1º Torneio de Brass On-Line

Quero conhecer melhor o jogo e esta parece ser uma boa oportunidade para tal.

Quanto mais não seja para estragar o jogo ao Johnny


O Automobile, só se for da Micromachines... eheheh


Desisto! Tongue out

Deixa as drogas...

«Mais vale estar calado e julgarem-te um idiota, do que abrir a boca e dissipar todas as dúvidas.»

Conta comigo...

Só tenho que fazer um jogo primeiro para me ambientar ao site.


Este espaço aluga-se

Posso abrir um jogo para aqueles que ainda não conhecem o interface...

Mallgur, Brainstorm... mais alguém?


Registem-se e peçam aqui a Password que enviarei por mail.

Entrei com a cor cinza, mas assim que alguém tenha feito join, eu salto fora.

«Mais vale estar calado e julgarem-te um idiota, do que abrir a boca e dissipar todas as dúvidas.»

Já lá estive. Manda a password.


Bora lá.

Manda isso, sff


Este espaço aluga-se

Para ganhar um automobile está bem, agora isso de conviver e não sei quê...

Conta comigo, mas tb nunca experimentei a plataforma. Dá pa entrar nesse jogo?

Já te enviei password e link.

«Mais vale estar calado e julgarem-te um idiota, do que abrir a boca e dissipar todas as dúvidas.»

Já estou todo lá dentro. Gracias Johnny.

Depois de se registarem e entrarem no jogo, vão às vossas definições (User details - no topo da página) e alterem alguns dos parametros.

Esta é a minha configuração:

CHECK Email me to let me know when it's my turn (if enabled, you will be notified by email whenever it becomes your turn in a game; you will also be notified when certain other things happen that you might need to know about, for example if another player initiates a vote to abort the game or to kick the player whose turn it is)
Email me again every time it's my turn in a game, even if I haven't logged in or logged out since the last such email was sent (the status of this option is ignored if the option immediately above it is not selected; "logging out" here means using the logout link at the top of the page, not allowing your PHP session to time out)
Email me when a game I'm playing in or watching ends, with a summary of final scoring
Always show Canals (if disabled, then canals will be hidden during the Rail Phase)
Always show Rails (if disabled, then rails will be hidden during the Canal Phase)
CHECK Show inaccessible locations on the board
(if disabled, then locations accessible only by rail, along with the rail links to them, will be hidden during the Canal Phase)
Locations that are not present in the game, as in a two-player game, are never shown, regardless of whether this option is selected.
CHECK Show a visual reminder of the Virtual Connection (if enabled, a red line is shown between Liverpool and Birkenhead)
Compact board design (disable this option to use a view of the game board that looks more like the real-life Brass game board - this view is taller than the default one, and may therefore be unsuitable if you do not have a high screen resolution)
CHECK Depict the Income Track in a similar way to its appearance on the Brass board (as opposed to depicting it in a straightforward style, with rows increasing from left to right and higher value income spaces further "down" the track rather than further "up")
Automatically sort my cards whenever I receive new ones
(This takes effect whenever you receive a card or cards from the deck, and will undo any sorting you have done yourself. The cards will be sorted into the order that they are found in when you receive your hand at the start of the phase - location cards first in alphabetical order, followed by industry cards in the following order: Cotton Mill, Coal Mine, Iron Works, Port, Shipyard.)
Do not show the option to swap cards as part of the move interface
CHECK Display helpful instructions alongside your options, telling you how to use the move interface, when it's your turn
Display paragraphs in the game ticker in reverse order
Replace my colour with blue in games that I am playing
(Note: Colour-blind users may find that they cannot distinguish the blue tiles used from the purple ones)
CHECK Check with the site every 5 seconds while you are viewing a game page, to see if new moves have been made (note: this does not do anything on a game's "lobby" page; will not work if JavaScript is disabled)
Hide the discussion thread by default on a game page (note that you will need to have JavaScript turned on in order to reveal it)
Display messages in discussion threads in reverse order (i.e. most recently posted first)
CHECK Allow users to send you emails via the site (you will see their email address, but they will only see yours if you choose to reply to them via email)
I want my games to be Friendly by default
I want to forbid by default the Canal Link between Lancaster and Scotland from appearing in my games
I want the Virtual Connection to be usable in reverse in my games by default
I want the Modified Coal Overbuild Rules to be used in my games by default
CHECK Display projected VPs for Canal Phase scoring (if disabled, then projected VPs are displayed in the Rail Phase only)
Include points for players' remaining money in Rail Phase VP projection? YES
CHECK Highlighting arrows should be in the player colours (if turned off, arrows pointing to your own tiles will be blue, arrows pointing to orphan tiles will be black, and all other arrows will be white)

Mais tarde podem explorar a possibilidade de programar jogadas para turno(s) seguintes.

«Mais vale estar calado e julgarem-te um idiota, do que abrir a boca e dissipar todas as dúvidas.»

Ou posso avançar para a definição de data de arranque e esquema de mesas?

«Mais vale estar calado e julgarem-te um idiota, do que abrir a boca e dissipar todas as dúvidas.»

Para esperares até segunda. Aí se não aparecer mais ninguém... avanças. Digo eu.


Este espaço aluga-se

Até porque estão 10 maganos e 1 menina... Então meninas, toca a inscreverem-se!

Pelo menos mais uma inscrição e já dariam 4 mesas de 3. Passariam 2 de que cada mesa para uma segunda fase de 8 ilustres concorrentes... Digo eu.

Últimas jogatinas...

Ora essa. Pois claro. Lá estarei. Digam hora e local!


"hay que endurecer, pero sin perder la ternura jamas!"

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara 1928 - 1967

Também alinho Laughing

Mais um para a fogueira! Contem cmg!

Bota lá o meu nome :)