Mini-Campeonato de Dominion nas 4ªs feiras dos Boardgamers de Lisboa


Tás com um avatar giro!!


Nem sabes tu da missa a metade... tenho que te por a jogar bootleggers!

Jogo efectuado em 25 de Fevereiro

Nacka - 40; Ruibar - 25

Set up: Chancellor, Village, Woodcutter, Gardens, Militia, Moneylender, Witch, Laboratory, Festival, Adventure.

A meia-final será composta por:

joao tereso, vch e nacka onde se vai já definir o 3º lugar deste campeonato e os 2 finalistas.

vch, joao tereso e nacka..... Tudo OK para esta quarta-feira 18 de Março?

Vamos jogar as meias finais e, se os finalistas estiverem de acordo, jogamos também a final.


tudo bem por mi. ainda nao sei a que hora vou chegar mas antes das nove com certeza!

A ver se acabamos!

[quote=joao tereso]BURRO cam - peão[/quote]

até tiras a vontade de voltar a participar Tongue out

[quote=joao tereso]

vão ter que me aturar tanto tempo


isso já o fazemos.....

Parabéns pah! Já parecias o Teixeira a festejar Laughing

A todo o pessoal que foi burro o suficiente para disputar o campeonato comigo, duas palavras apenas:


(vão ter que me aturar tanto tempo por causa desta...)

Ganhaste o mini campeonato de Dominion?

Parabéns e que tal agora participares num campeonato com um jogo a sério para ver se ganhas. Falamos paí do Brass?


Põe-te a falar que ainda engoles em seco... agora tomei-lhe o gosto é sempre a aviar!


Parabéns pah! Já parecias o Teixeira a festejar Laughing


Saudades desse homem pá. Teixeira, se andas por aí, volta que estás perdoado!

Resultados da Meia-Final disputada em 18 de Março:

Set-up: chapel, woodcutter, moneylender, militia, remodel, gardens, bureaucrat, feast, market e adventurer

Vch - 68

Joao Tereso - 56

Nacka - 46

Resultados da Final disputada em 18 de Março:

Set-up: chapel, woodcutter, chancellor, throne room, thief, bureaucrat, feast, gardens, witch, library

Joao Tereso - 40

Vch - 35

Pódio Final do Campeonato Dominion:

1º lugar - joao tereso

2º lugar - vch

3º lugar - nacka

Vão ser entregues diplomas a certificar o FEITO.

Aqui ficam as regras usadas para o torneio de Dominion no Gathering of Friends:

Dominion Tournament for 2009 Gathering of Friends Tournament Rules

I. General Format
The tournament will be held over four rounds. Most games will be played as three-player or four-player games. There will be no two-player games. The official rules, as printed in the rulebook, will be used in all games. Any rules questions shall be referred to either of the GMs for adjudication – the ruling of the GM on that issue will be final.

In the first round, players will compete against randomly selected opponents (determined by the GMs prior to the start of the tournament). All players who sign up for the tournament will play in this first round.

In the second round, 20 to 24 players will play against randomly selected opponents. (The exact number will be decided at the start of the tournament based on the number of total entrants).

In the third round, 8 players will play against randomly selected opponents.

In the fourth (and final) round, 4 players will play.

Starting with the second round, players will be chosen to play based on the following criteria: 1) all winners or co-winners of games from the previous round; 2) randomly selected second-place finishers from games in the previous round in order to bring the number of players up to the appointed number.

(If more than 96 players sign up for the tournament, a fifth round may be added into the tournament structure at the discretion of the GMs. If this happens, a new breakdown of the number of players in each round will be distributed before the start of the tournament.)

II. Game Rules
Start player will be randomly determined for each round as follows: one of the players will take a Copper card, a Silver card, a Gold card and a Province card and shuffle them face down. Each other player will take one card of their choice. The player with the Copper card will be the first player, the player with the Silver card will be the second player, the player with the Gold card will be the third player and the player with the Province card will be fourth.

Players will randomly select Kingdom cards for each round by shuffling the placeholder deck multiple times and flipping over the top ten kingdom cards.

All games must use Placeholder cards at the bottom of each deck to easily indicate when a set of cards is depleted.

All players must clearly show their Play Area, Discard Pile, and Deck. Cards are first played into the Play Area; cards in the Play Area are then sent to the Discard Pile during the Clean-Up phase.

All players will follow the official rules on shuffling (p.6): “If a player’s Deck is empty, he does not shuffle his Discard pile until he needs to reveal or draw a card from his Deck and cannot.”

Game ties are broken by the tied player who has had the fewest turns. Per the official rules, if tied players have had the same number of turns, they rejoice in their shared victory.

When turning in results to the GM of each game, you should turn in the name(s) of the winning player(s). Additionally, please also include the name of the second place finisher. If there are two or more players tied for first place, there will be no second place finisher named.