DEZENAS de jogos de tabuleiro para venda - 2017


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(ainda selados em celofane)

Qwixx - 8,50   Coloretto - 9,90   Wizard - 9,90   Lobisomens d'Aldeia Velha - 9,90
Saboteur - 9,90   Saboteur 2 (expansão) - 9,90  
Bohnanza - 9,90
Love Letter - 9,90   Love Letter: The Hobbit - 9,90   6 nimmt! / Toma 6 - 9,90   Onirim - 9,90
Tichu - 9,90   Panic Lab - 9,90   Hanabi - 9,90   Hanabi Extra (inclui cartas XL e suportes p/ cartas) - 17,90
Basari: Das Kartenspiel - 9,90   We Will Rock You / Ritmo y Bola / Rythm & Boulet - 9,90  
Mamma Mia! - 9,90
Fungi - 10,95
Sopa de Bichos - 11,50   Salada de Bichos - 11,50   Póquer de Bichos - 11,50   Póquer de Bichos Real - 11,50
Traça Batoteira - 11,50   Tango da Tarantula - 11,50   No Thanks! - 12,50   Pickomino / Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck - 12,90
Vem Aí a Troika - 12,50   Dobble - 13,90   Coup - 14,50   Sushi Go! - 12,50
Dungeon Raiders - 13,50   Star Realms (PT ou inglês) - 14,90   Get Bit! / Croc! / Hai-Alarm! - 15,50   Um Império em 8 Minutos - 14,50
Rhino Hero / Super Rhino - 13,50   String Railway - 15,90   Fantasma Blitz 2.0 - 15   Fantasma Blitz: 12 menos 5 - 21,50
Coyote / Pow Wow - 15,50   Jaipur - 18,90   The Resistance: Avalon - 18,50   The Resistance - 18,50
Cartagena  - 18,50   Mascarade - 18   Jungle Speed - 19   Jungle Speed: A Expansão - 9,90
Battle Line - 19,90   The Rivals for Catan - 19,90   Pit - 15,90   Biblios - 19,90
Las Vegas - 19,90   Mondo - 19,90   Kingdom Builder - 24,90   Kingdom Builder: Nomads - 14,90
Carcassonne - 19,50   Carcassonne: Inverno - 20,50   Carcassonne: Mares do Sul - 21,50   Carcassonne: Caçadores e Recolectores - 19,50
Carcassonne: Estalagens e Catedrais - 15,50   Carcassonne: Construtores e Comerciantes - 15,50   Carcassonne: A Princesa e o Dragão - 15,50   Carcassonne: A Torre - 15,50
Carcassonne: A Abadia e o Alcaide - 15,50   Carcassonne: Catapulta - 15,50   Carcassonne: Mercados e Pontes - 15,50   Carcassonne: Colinas e Ovelhas - 15,50
Hive / A Colmeia - 21   Hive Pocket - 16,50   Hive: The Ladybug - 4,95   A Lebre e a Tartaruga - 23,50
  Time's Up! - Edição Celebrity (Caixa Amarela)    
Camel Up - 20,50   Time's Up! Edição Amarela - 21,50   Citadels - 21,90   A Ilha Proibida / Forbidden Island - 21,50
Bluff / Perudo / Liar's Dice - 21,50   Kamisado Max - 26,50   Bang! - 23   Bang! The Dice Game - 23
Dixit - 27,50   Dixit Odyssey - 28,50   Dixit 2 - 18,50   Dixit 3 - 18,50
Dixit 4 - 18,50   Dixit 5 - 18,50   Munchkin - 22,50   Munchkin Deluxe - 27,50
Las Vegas Quiz - 27,50   Gardens - 24,50   Thebes - 24,50   Splendor - 25,50
Catan - 36   Catan: Navegantes (expansão) - 30,50     Catan: Junior - 25,50

Ticket to Ride (mapa USA) - 39,90   Ticket to Ride: Europe - 39,90   Ticket to Ride: Europa 1912 - 13,95   Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary - 69,50
Pandemic - 32,50   Pandemic: On the Brink - 29,90   Pandemic: In the Lab - 30,90   Pandemic: State of Emergency - 31,90
Pandemia (português) - 35,50   Flash Point: Fire Rescue - 35,90   Stone Age - 33,50   Stone Age (português) - 39,50
King of Tokyo - 29,50   King of Tokyo: Power Up! - 14,90   King of Tokyo: Halloween - 12,90   King of New York - 33,90
Genial / Ingenious - 24,50   Escape: The Curse of the Temple - 32,50   Escape: Illusions (expansão) - 13,50   Gente com Memória - 13,90
Alhambra - 23,50   Airlines Europe - 32   Fresco - 29,50   Puzzle Convento de Cristo - 13,90
Fauna - 34   Qwirkle - 24,50   Keltis (inclui expansão) - 24,50   Quinto Império - 29,50
Colorpop - 27,50   Marrakech - 27,50   Jamaica - 37   Small World - 39,50
Twilight Struggle (Deluxe Edition) - 46,50   Terra Mystica - 58   Agricola (português ou inglês) - 54,50   Agricola: Farmers of the Moor - 29,90
Puerto Rico - 39,50   San Juan (second edition) - 29,95   Android: Netrunner - 33,90   Panamax - 34,90
Power Grid - 34,50   The Castles of Burgundy - 30,50   Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island - 64,50   Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar - 39,90
Caylus - 39   7 Wonders - 37,50   Dominant Species - 59   Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game - 31,50
Lords of Waterdeep - 43,50   A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (2nd Edition) - 52,90   Village - 28,50   Village Inn - 15,90
Dominion - 38,50   Dominion: Intrigue - 38,50   Dominion: Alchemy - 23,50   Dominion: Seaside - 31,50
Memoir '44 - 46,90   As Lendas de Andor - 36   Shadows over Camelot - 47,50   Betrayal at House on the Hill - 44,90
Istanbul - 29,50   Tobago - 29,50   Smash Up - 26,90   Last Will - 34,50
Russian Railroads - 39,90   Formula D - 36   Lewis & Clark - 34,50   Keyflower - 38,90
Imperial 2030 - 39,90   O Labirinto Mágico - 26   Ricochet Robots - 25,50   Ubongo - 29,50
I'm the Boss! - 22,50   A Trupe dos Porquinhos - 21,50   A Noite dos Magos - 25,50   As Escadas Assombradas - 23,50
Guillotine - 14,90   Tokaido - 36,90   Rokoko - 29,50   A Castle for All Seasons - 29,50
Skyline - 17,50   Keyflower: The Farmers - 19,95   Lost Legends - 22,50   Vikings: Warriors of the North - 19,50
Chicago Express - 23,50   Nefertiti - 15,50   Make 'n' Break Extreme - 18,50   Catan: Ancient Egypt - 59,95
Villa Paletti - 23,50   Relic Runners - 34   Nexus Ops - 30,50   Dungeon Twister: The Card Game - 14,50
Historia - 39,90   Way Out West - 29,90   Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game - 17,50   Diego Drachenzahn - 20,50
Puzzle Strike - 34,50   New York Card Game (Alhambra card game) - 16,50   Sylla - 15,50   Keltis: Das Orakel - 17,50 (não é uma expansão; é um jogo completo com novo tabuleiro e regras)
20th Century - 14,90   Venedig - 15,50   Steel Driver - 20,50   Skyline 3000 - 20,50
The Mines of Zavandor - 20,50   Travel Blog - 15,50   The Kingdoms of Crusaders - 6,50   Fichas em Linha (4 em Linha) - 5
Diabolo - 4,50   Acquire - 29,50  
Utopia - 22,90
  Locomotive Werks - 23,50
Undermining - 24,50   Coal Baron - 25,90   King's Vineyard - 12,50   American Rails - 29,50
Hermagor - 29,50   The Three Little Pigs - 22,50   Air Show - 10,50   The Hanging Gardens - 24,50
Elfenland - 22,50   Bisikle - 23   RoadZters - 27,50   Kahuna - 18,50
Trains and Stations - 19,50   Principato - 14,90   Balloon Cup - 22,50   Rise of Empires - 25,50
BITS - 17,50   Mondo Sapiens - 19,90   Show Manager - 29,90   10 Days in the USA - 16,50
Pantheon - 20,50   Tsuro - 26,90   Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation - 29,90   Eldritch Horror - 48,50

Tricoda - 23,50   Mano a Mano - 23,50   Dixit Jinx - 14,50   Raj - 9,90
Summoner Wars: Master Set - 39,90   Letters from Whitechapel - 42,50   Mammut - 21,50   Giants - 32,50
Tinners' Trail - 29,50   Seasons - 39,50   Prolix - 19,50   The Great Fire of London 1666 - 24,50
Concordia - 35,50   Takenoko - 33,90   Five Tribes - 46,90   Mr. Jack - 27,90
Pathfinder: Ascensão dos Mestres Rúnicos - 39,50   Carcassonne Junior - 18,50   A Torre Encantada - 25,50   A Volta ao Mundo em 80 Dias - 27,50
O Hobbit - 29,50   Exploradores - 19,30   Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery - 36   Notre Dame - 29,90
Merchants of Amsterdam - 19,90   Caverna: The Cave Farmers - 69,90   Ghost Stories - 36   Race for the Galaxy - 29,90
Battlestar Galactica - 42,90   Vanuatu - 42,50   Imperial Settlers - 34,90   Vinhos - 44,90
Star Wars: Armada - 79,90   Star Wars: Imperial Assault - 78   Castles of Mad King Ludwig - 44,90   Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age - 29,50
Sheriff of Nottingham - 32,90   Red7 - 11,90   Mansions of Madness - 69,90   The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - 34,90
Mage Knight Board Game - 67,50   Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game - 53,90   For Sale / Se Vende - 15,50   Smash Up: The Obligatory Cthulhu Set - 14,90
Patchwork - 18,90   Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space - 18,50   Village Port - 15,90   Metro - 19,90
Vikings - 39,50   Start Player - 9,90   Colt Express - 29   Caravelas - 24,90
Caravelas II - 17,90   O Castelo de S. Jorge - 21,90   D. Afonso Henriques - 17,90   Kosmonauts - 21,90
Lixo? - 13,90   O Ciclo da Água - 17,90   Perplexus - 15,90   Ragami - 17,90
Reis de Portugal - 11,90   Vintage - 29,90   Puzzle 1.000 Ceifeira Veloso Salgado - 13,90   Puzzle 1.000 Menina sentada Sarah Affonso - 13,90
Puzzle 1.000 Marchas de Lisboa Eduardo Alarcão - 13,90   Puzzle 42 Pcs Sporting - 2,90   Puzzle 42 Pcs Benfica - 2,90   Puzzle 42 Pcs FC Porto - 2,90
Puzzle 500 Pcs Sporting - 9,50   Puzzle 500 Pcs Benfica - 9,50   Puzzle 500 Pcs FC Porto - 9,50   Puzzle Portugal - 11,90
Puzzle Europa - 11,90   Puzzle Mundo - 11,90   Geister / Phantoms vs Phantoms - 19,90   Rallyman - 29,90
Africana - 24,50   Dungeon Petz - 38   P.I. - 19,90   Pocket Rockets - 9,90
Dino Race - 24,50   Tales of the Arabian Nights - 49,95   The Battle of Five Armies (PT ou inglês) - 69,90   Machi Koro - 28,90
Alchemists - 37,50   Alquimistas (VPort) - 41,50   Nations: The Dice Game - 29,95   Spyfall - 20,90
Parfum - 29,95   Tragedy Looper - 31,90   Neuroshima Hex! 3.0 - 29,90   Camel Up: Supercup - 12,90
Santa Cruz - 19,90   Forbidden Desert - 28,90   Dungeon Lords - 38   Concept - 30,50
Deus - 42,90   Panic on Wall Street! - 28,90   Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective - 35,50   Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small - 32,90
La Granja - 54   The Game: Spiel... so lange du kannst! - 9,90   A La Carte - 22,50   Orléans - 41,90
Korsar - 9,90   La Isla - 19,90   Glen More - 24,90   City Hall - 39,90
Prosperity - 24,90   Québec - 29,90   Navegador - 29,90   Metropolys - 24,90
Amyitis - 24,90   Yspahan - 24,90   Ys - 24,90   Coup: Reformation - 11,95
Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – The Force Awakens Core Set - 34,50   Hey, That's My Fish! - 14,50   Gloom (second edition) - 23,90   Mythotopia - 27,50
Onward to Venus - 25,50   Belfort - 39,90   Shipyard - 32,95   Vasco da Gama - 29,90
Trajan - 37,90   Madeira - 38,95   Hive: The Mosquito - 4,95   Keyflower: The Merchants - 19,95
Francis Drake - 54,90   Mice and Mystics - 59,95   Elder Sign - 33,50   Broom Service - 35,90
Antike II - 34,90   Hansa Teutonica: Britannia - 9,90   Carcassonne: Count, King and Robber - 15,50   1989: Dawn of Freedom - 54,50
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game (Second Edition) - 34,90   Mysterium - 34,90   Stone Age: The Expansion - 29,90   Colt Express: Horses & Stagecoach -  17,90
Manila - 29,90   Spinderella / Fila Filo - 26,50   Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport - 32,50   Zombie Dice - 11,90
Pandemic Legacy (vermelho/azul) - 59,90   Codenames - 15,90   Food Chain Magnate - 76   Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue - 77,90
Takenoko: Chibis - 17,50   Age of Steam - 39,90   Trains - 39,95   Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King - 29,95
Roll for the Galaxy - 49,90   Samurai Spirit - 17,95   Magic: The Gathering – Arena of the Planeswalkers - 39,95   Planet Steam - 29,90
Mr. Jack in New York - 27,90   Fury of Dracula (third edition) - 55,90   Coup: Rebellion G54 - 27,50   One Night Revolution - 23,90
Celestia - 20,90   Stone Age: The Expansion - 24,90   Die Holde Isolde - 18,90   Favor of the Pharaoh - 41,90
The Prodigals Club - 29,50   Patchistory - 49,90   Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 4 – Nederland - 19,90   Ticket to Ride: USA 1910 - 13,95
The Resistance: Hidden Agenda - 10,50   Epic - 14,90   Asteroyds - 24,90   Assyria - 24,90
Caylus Magna Carta - 19,90   Race! Formula 90 - 49,90   One Night Ultimate Werewolf - 21,90   Famiglia - 12,50
The Builders: Middle Ages - 14,90   The Builders: Antiquity - 14,90   Treasure Hunter - 37,90   Ticket to Ride Map Collection: Volume 5 – United Kingdom & Pennsylvania - 28,90
Power Grid: The Stock Companies - 26,50   Flick 'em Up! - 57,50   Mistfall - 49,50   Snow Tails - 45,50
Istanbul: Mocha & Baksheesh - 17,50   Hengist - 15,90   Terra (PT) - 34,50   Runebound (Third Edition) - 54,90
Cyclades: Titans - 39   Kemet - 45,90   The Gallerist - 69,95   Mafia de Cuba - 21,50
Steampunk Rally - 42,90   Dice City - 34,50   Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Secrets - 24,95   Roll for the Galaxy: Ambition - 35,90
BattleLore (Second Edition) - 67,50   Tales & Games: The Hare & the Tortoise - 22,90   Tales & Games: Little Red Riding Hood - 22,90   My Village - 29,95
Maskenball der Käfer - 22,90   Bohnanza (inglês - inclui exp.) - 19,50   Friday - 17,90   GemBlo Q - 25,90
Coconuts - 21,90   Die Speicherstadt - 24,90   Mombasa - 32,90   AquaSphere - 32,90
Mai-Star - 10,90   Uchronia - 21,90   Moongha Invaders: Mad Scientists and Atomic Monsters Attack the Earth! - 59,90   Zombory - 9,50
New Amsterdam - 29,90   Jerusalem - 19,90   Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Card Game - 21,90   Blood Rage - 69,90
Tsuro of the Seas - 34,90   7 Wonders: Babel - 27,90   Tides of Time - 11,90   Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot - 39,95
Imperial Settlers: Atlanteans - 24,90   Neuroshima: Convoy - 17,90   Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy – Five Families - 19,90   Stronghold (2nd edition) - 56,90
Estoril 1942 - 23,90   Churchill - 69,95   7 Wonders: Leaders - 17,90   Legendary: Villains – A Marvel Deck Building Game - 49,90
Mottainai - 14,90   Mottainai Deluxe - 24,90   The Voyages of Marco Polo (PT) - 43,90   SET - 13,90
Chicken Cha Cha Cha (PT) - 23,90   Abluxxen - 9,90    Phase 10 - 9,90   Hansa Teutonica - 28,50
Concordia: Salsa - 23,90   Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga - 69,90   Tigris & Euphrates - 49,90   Samurai - 42,95
Lords of Xidit - 39,90   Starfighter - 25,90   Twilight Imperium (Third Edition) - 79,90   Summoner Wars: Alliances Master Set - 53,90
Luna  - 49,95   Hive: The Pillbug - 5,95   Kamisado Pocket - 13,90   Triassic Terror - 57,90
Inhabit the Earth - 39,90   7 Wonders: Cities - 17,90   Timeline: Star Wars - 14,90   Nations: Dynasties - 22,90
Above and Below - 45,90   Loony Quest - 25,90   Lobo - 24,50   New York 1901 - 30,90
The Blue Lion - 9   Bomb Squad - 35,90   Bomb Squad Academy - 17,90   Masterline - 11,90
MasterIslands - 9,90   Tiny Epic Galaxies - 22,50   7 Wonders: Wonder Pack - 8,50   Eclipse - 69,90
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization - 43,90   BANG! The Bullet! - 44,90   Tales & Games: The Grasshopper & the Ant - 20,90   Diamonds - 22,50
Kanban: Automotive Revolution - 45,90   Risk: Game of Thrones - 59,90   Castellion - 19,90   Chinatown - 35,90
Star Realms: Crisis – Bases & Battleships - 4,90   Star Realms: Crisis – Events - 4,90   Star Realms: Crisis – Fleets & Fortresses - 4,90   Star Realms: Crisis – Heroes - 4,90
Le Havre - 54,90   Aquileia - 14,90   Biblios Dice - 29,95   Speculation  - 29,90
Dark Darker Darkest - 59,90   Fantasma Blitz - 15   Ligretto Dados - 17,95   Orléans: Invasion - 34,50
Die Paläste von Carrara - 39,90   One Night Ultimate Vampire - 24,90   Roll For It! Deluxe Edition - 34,50   BANG! The Duel - 21,90
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) – A Feast for Crows - 17,90   Cyclades - 44,90   Kemet: Ta-Seti - 27,90   Evolution: Flight - 26,90
504 - 79,90   CV - 24,90   Innovation - 21,90   CO2 - 41,90
Guildhall - 12,90   Guildhall: Job Faire - 12,90   Port Royal - 9,90   Galaxy Trucker - 39,90
Space Alert - 39,90   Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar – Tribes & Prophecies - 23,50   Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game - 49,90   Mission: Red Planet - 43,90
Shadows over Camelot: Merlin's Company - 19,90   The Resistance: Hostile Intent - 10,95   Aramini Circus - 13,50   Witness - 29,90
Raptor - 25,90   Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy - 31,90   Star Realms: Colony Wars - 15,90   Dixit 6: Memories - 18,50
Quadropolis - 37,90   PitchCar - 47,90   Discoveries - 27,90   Jungle Speed Safari - 17,50
Kingsburg - 43,90   A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (Second Edition) – A Dance with Dragons - 17,90   Mafia: Vendetta - 12,50   El Grande Big Box - 79,90
T.I.M.E Stories - 39,90   T.I.M.E Stories: A Prophecy of Dragons - 21,90   T.I.M.E Stories: Under the Mask - 21,90   Hoax (second edition) - 12,90
The Bloody Inn - 24,90   Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries - 39,90   Age of War - 12,95   Grand Austria Hotel - 37,90
7 Wonders: Duel - 22,50   Five Tribes: The Artisans of Naqala - 19,95   Star Wars: Rebellion - 84,90   Knit Wit - 30,90
Onitama - 28,50            

Five Tribes (Exp2) Thieves of Naqala - 4,95 €
Targi (inglês) - 24,90 €
Karuba  26,90 €
Game of Thrones Card Game - Called to Arms          13,95 €
Game of Thrones Card Game - Across the Seven Kingdoms 13,95 €
Mystic Vale           40,90 €
Guilds of London                54,90 €
Escape from Aliens in Outer Space (Ultimate edition) - 32,90 €
Dead of Winter Long Night - 53,90
Crazy Karts - 34,90
Friday (inglês) - 17,90
Mansions of Madness (2nd edition) - 89,90
Scythe - 62,90
Oceanos - 31,50
Isle of Skye           29,95 €
Battlestar Galactica Pegasus          35,90 €
Descent Journeys in the Dark         74,90 €
Castles of Burgundy Card Game    11,90 €
Bar Bestial            16,90 €
Odyssey               - A Ira de Poseidon            33,90 €
Space Alert PT    49,90 €
Twilight Struggle PT          46,50 €
As Lendas de Andor Chada e Thorn             20,90 €
Qwinto   9,90 €
Princes of Florence            32,50 €
Mysterium Hidden Signs   17,50 €
Viticulture Essential           57,90 €
Alhambra Family Box        39,50 €
Alhambra Big Box              64,90 €
Twilight Imperium 3           79,90 €
Myrmes 27,90 €
13 Days Cuban Missile Crisis         37,90 €
Spookies              17,90 €
Adventure Land  31,90 €
Hyperborea          53,90 €
Alien Frontiers     43,90 €


(completos e regra geral em ótimo estado)

5 Minutes 24,90 €
Age of Empires III 69,00 €
Agricola 42,50 €
Airships (Giganten der Lufte) 14,90 €
Alba Longa 19,90 €
Amazonas 19,95 €
Antike 24,95 €
Arkadia 24,90 €
Atlantis 18,90 €
Aton 14,95 €
Australia 19,90 €
Battles of Westeros 49,95 €
Bluff / Liar’s Dice 19,90 €
Burg Appenzell 49,90 €
Canal Mania 24,95 €
Can't Stop 26,90 €
Carson City: Gold & Guns 19,90 €
Catan (espanhol) 29,95 €
Catan Historische Szenarien I 24,90 €
Catan Historische Szenarien II 24,90 €
Chicken Cha Cha Cha 21,90 €
Chinatown 29,50 €
City Tycoon 19,90 €
Confucius 23,50 €
Cutthroat Caverns 24,90 €
Dungeon Command: Curse of Undeath 29,90 €
Dungeon Command: Tyranny of Goblins 29,90 €
Elfenland 17,50 €
Factory Fun 32,90 €
Fairy Tale 15,50 €
Flea Market 14,90 €
Fluch der Mumie 49,90 €
Genial / Ingenious 22,50 €
Get Bit 13,50 €
Gift Trap 21,95 €
Grande Taboo 59,90 €
Gulo Gulo 49,50 €
Hacienda 29,50 €
Hanabi 8,90 €
Hansa 18,90 €
Hick Hack 8,90 €
Keltis 19,90 €
Krosmaster: Arena 49,90 €
Last Train to Wensleydale 31,50 €
Lords of Xidit 29,90 €
Lost Valley 24,50 €
Maharaja 24,50 €
Marracash 23,90 €
Martinique 14,50 €
Medici 19,90 €
Merchants of the Middle Ages 29,00 €
Merkator 79,90 €
Metro 19,50 €
Midgard 18,90 €
Mosaix 8,50 €
Mykerinos 22,50 €
Mystery Express 79,90 €
Niagara 19,90 €
Ora et Labora 49,90 €
P.I. 16,95 €
Planet Steam 34,50 €
Power Struggle 26,50 €
Quartermaster General 37,90 €
Rex: Final Days of an Empire 39,50 €
Rise of Empires 19,95 €
Risk (jogo dados Grow) 9,90 €
Ristorante Italia 39,50 €
River Dragons (Dragon Delta) 24,90 €
Saint Malo 15,50 €
Samurai 39,90 €
San Juan 19,95 €
Scattergories 14,90 €
Sequence 19,50 €
Serenissima 22,90 €
Space Cadets: Dice Duel 36,50 €
Spellbound 79,90 €
String Railway 15,90 €
Stronghold 34,90 €
Through the Desert 21,50 €
Thurn & Taxis 19,90 €
Tikal 20,90 €
Tiki Topple 20,90 €
Top Race 64,50 €
Traumfabrik 19,90 €
Travel Blog 14,90 €
Twin Tin Bots 29,90 €
Un Mundo sin Fin 34,50 €
Union Pacific 24,50 €
Wasabi 59,50 €
Word on the Street 29,90 €
Zooloretto 19,90 €





» Guia de referência para sleeves Mayday - clicar para abrir o guia e pesquisar pelo nome do jogo para ver qual o tipo e quantidade de sleeves necessárias

» Sleeves PREMIUM são 125% mais grossas que as normais

» Portes de envio de apenas 0,90 € para pedidos até 9 packs de sleeves

Mayday 59x92mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 59x92mm PREMIUM
pack de 50 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 63,5x88mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 63,5x88mm PREMIUM
pack de 50 = 2,50 eur
Mayday 56x87mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 56x87mm PREMIUM
pack de 50 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 57,5x89mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 57,5x89mm PREMIUM
pack de 50 = 2,50 eur
Mayday 45x68mm
pack de 100 = 2 eur
  Mayday 45x68mm PREMIUM
pack de 50 = 2 eur
  Mayday 41x63mm
pack de 100 = 2 eur
  Mayday 41x63mm PREMIUM
pack de 50 = 2 eur
Mayday 65x100mm
pack de 100 = 3,50 eur
  Mayday 80x120mm
pack de 100 = 3,50 eur
  Mayday 70x70mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Mayday 80x80mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
Pro-Select 67x92mm
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Swan 57x90mm PREMIUM
pack de 100 = 2,50 eur
  Pro-Select 67x92mm
pack de 100 = 1,50 eur
(usadas mas em bom estado)
  DragonShield 61x88mm PREMIUM
pack de 100 = 1,50 eur
(usadas mas em bom estado)








7 Wonders: Leaders - Promo Card Stevie - 1,50   7 Wonders: Leaders - Promo Card Louis - 1,50   Mascarade: Usurper - 3,50   Power Grid First Sparks: Oracle - 2,50

Power Grid: Taxes - 2,50   Ghost Stories: Chuck No-Rice - 3,50   Ghost Stories: Jean-Claude Van Rice - 1,50   Ghost Stories: Steven Qi-Gal - 3,50

Navegador (apenas o tabuleiro original, com o rondel em PT de um lado e FR do outro) - 7,50   Summoner Wars (apenas o tabuleiro em versão de papel) - 3,50   Dominant Species: Card Game (Promo Card Set) - 2,50   Vs. System (booster selado c/ cerca de 50 cartas PT) - 1,50
Cthulhu Fluxx: Hastur The Unspeakable Promo Card - 2,50   Monuments: Pergamonaltar - 2,50   Wits & Wagers: BGG Limited edition promo cards - 3,50   Say Anything: BGG Limited edition promo cards - 3,50

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O Alhambra Family Box parece-me que só contém duas expansões: "Vizier's Favor" e "Granada". Que outras expansões estão incluídas? 


São os 4 módulos de expansão do Vizier's Favor. O Granada não é uma expansão, é um jogo base que a Queen também vende, com semelhanças com o Alhambra.

Isso é em alemão, certo?

Volldampf: sim, mas já traz um print das regras em inglês e as cartas já têm paste-ups (bem-feitinhos!) em inglês.

Vais a Bragança, este ano?

Sim, queres entrega lá? Também podias pedir ao Carlos para to levar… até podia dar-lho já hoje.

Queria primeiro cheirá-lo. Se não o venderes até lá e se te lembrares, leva-o a Bragança, pode ser que to compre :stuck_out_tongue:

16 jogos adicionados à lista!

Eu quero o 20th Century. Qq coisa mail.

3 jogos adicionados à lista!

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Mandei mail. (DS: card game)

novos jogos adicionados e lista atualizada.