Dezenas de jogos para VENDA

O Grupo de Lisboa tem para venda jogos novos, cuja lista completa pode ser consultada mais abaixo. A entrega pode ser feita em mão nos encontros do Grupo em Lisboa ou através de envio por correio (portes a cargo do comprador). Para encomendar é favor usar este formulário de contacto (é favor não responder a este tópico).

Última actualização: 10 Fevereiro 2011

Lista em formato Excel

JOGO (por ordem alfabética)

Alexander the Great 23,00 €
Alhambra 22,50 €
Aljubarrota 15,00 €
Attack! 19,00 €
Ave Caesar 21,00 €
Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge 36,00 €
Bang! 26,00 €
Battle Line 19,00 €
BattleLore: Call to Arms 9,00 €
Blokus Duo 20,00 €
Bridge Troll 9,50 €
Byzantium 23,50 €
California 12,00 €
Catan - Cards Set 5,50 €
Catan - Fishermen of Catan 3,50 €
Catan 5-6 Players Exp 4th Ed 15,00 €
Catan Card Game 12,00 €
Catan Card Game: Expansion Set 12,00 €
Catan Cities & Knights 5-6p Exp 3rd Ed 10,00 €
Catan Cities & Knights 5-6p Exp 4th Ed 16,00 €
Catan Seafarers – 3rd Edition 18,00 €
Catan Seafarers – 4th Edition 25,50 €
Catan Starfarers 5-6 Players Exp 15,00 €
Catan: 3D Collector's Edition 165,00 €
Caylus Magna Carta 17,00 €
China 18,00 €
China Moon 9,50 €
Cleopatra and the Society of Architects 28,00 €
Coloretto 9,50 €
Colosseum 26,00 €
Conquest of the Empire 26,00 €
Coyote 14,50 €
Deus Vult! 18,00 €
Die Siedler von Nürnberg 26,00 €
El Grande: Decennial Edition 29,50 €
Elasund: The First City 29,00 €
Emerald 14,00 €
Emerald 12,00 €
Entdecker 29,50 €
FBI 9,50 €
Fire & Axe 32,50 €
Fist of Dragonstones 13,00 €
Hansa 17,00 €
Hector & Achilles 13,00 €
Il Principe 9,50 €
Imperial 2030 36,00 €
Italia 24,00 €
Jenga 11,00 €
Korsar 9,50 €
Lord of the Rings: Trivia Game 24,00 €
Lotr Confrontation 32,00 €
Magna Grecia 26,00 €
Maharaja 23,00 €
Mall of Horror 28,00 €
Maya 15,00 €
Medici 19,50 €
Memoir '44 29,50 €
Memoir '44: Air Pack 20,00 €
Mission: Red Planet 28,00 €
Mystery of the Abbey 26,00 €
Notre Dame 22,00 €
O Mistério do Marquês de Pombal 29,50 €
Palazzo 17,00 €
Pandemic 28,00 €
Perikles 23,50 €
Puerto Rico 24,00 €
Saga 7,50 €
San Ta Si 14,50 €
Shadows over Camelot 29,50 €
Shogun 29,50 €
Spiel der Turme 9,50 €
Sultan 9,50 €
Sumeria 12,00 €
Sushi Express 9,50 €
Taj Mahal 19,50 €
Tempus 23,50 €
The First World War 23,50 €
The Kaleidoscope Classic 15,50 €
Thebes 29,50 €
Tichu 7,00 €
Tower of Babel 21,00 €
Warcraft: Expansion Set 12,50 €
Wildlife 18,50 €

JOGO (por ordem de preço)

Catan - Fishermen of Catan 3,50 €
Catan - Cards Set 5,50 €
Tichu 7,00 €
Saga 7,50 €
BattleLore: Call to Arms 9,00 €
Bridge Troll 9,50 €
China Moon 9,50 €
Coloretto 9,50 €
FBI 9,50 €
Il Principe 9,50 €
Korsar 9,50 €
Spiel der Turme 9,50 €
Sultan 9,50 €
Sushi Express 9,50 €
Catan Cities & Knights 5-6p Exp 3rd Ed 10,00 €
Jenga 11,00 €
California 12,00 €
Catan Card Game 12,00 €
Catan Card Game: Expansion Set 12,00 €
Emerald 12,00 €
Sumeria 12,00 €
Warcraft: Expansion Set 12,50 €
Fist of Dragonstones 13,00 €
Hector & Achilles 13,00 €
Emerald 14,00 €
Coyote 14,50 €
San Ta Si 14,50 €
Aljubarrota 15,00 €
Catan 5-6 Players Exp 4th Ed 15,00 €
Catan Starfarers 5-6 Players Exp 15,00 €
Maya 15,00 €
The Kaleidoscope Classic 15,50 €
Catan Cities & Knights 5-6p Exp 4th Ed 16,00 €
Caylus Magna Carta 17,00 €
Hansa 17,00 €
Palazzo 17,00 €
Catan Seafarers – 3rd Edition 18,00 €
China 18,00 €
Deus Vult! 18,00 €
Wildlife 18,50 €
Attack! 19,00 €
Battle Line 19,00 €
Medici 19,50 €
Taj Mahal 19,50 €
Blokus Duo 20,00 €
Memoir '44: Air Pack 20,00 €
Ave Caesar 21,00 €
Tower of Babel 21,00 €
Notre Dame 22,00 €
Alhambra 22,50 €
Alexander the Great 23,00 €
Maharaja 23,00 €
Byzantium 23,50 €
Perikles 23,50 €
Tempus 23,50 €
The First World War 23,50 €
Italia 24,00 €
Lord of the Rings: Trivia Game 24,00 €
Puerto Rico 24,00 €
Catan Seafarers – 4th Edition 25,50 €
Bang! 26,00 €
Colosseum 26,00 €
Conquest of the Empire 26,00 €
Die Siedler von Nürnberg 26,00 €
Magna Grecia 26,00 €
Mystery of the Abbey 26,00 €
Cleopatra and the Society of Architects 28,00 €
Mall of Horror 28,00 €
Mission: Red Planet 28,00 €
Pandemic 28,00 €
Elasund: The First City 29,00 €
El Grande: Decennial Edition 29,50 €
Entdecker 29,50 €
Memoir '44 29,50 €
O Mistério do Marquês de Pombal 29,50 €
Shadows over Camelot 29,50 €
Shogun 29,50 €
Thebes 29,50 €
Lotr Confrontation 32,00 €
Fire & Axe 32,50 €
Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge 36,00 €
Imperial 2030 36,00 €
Catan: 3D Collector's Edition 165,00 €


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