DM/Player looking for games in town


I'm new in town (Lisboa) and here for the longhaul. Given that I'm an experienced player/GM I would like to engage in playing or organizing roleplay sessions privately or at a club/meeting place. My primary language is not portugese (will work on that) so the sessions would be in english (which also isn't my primary language). 

I would like to get some info on the current state of playing RPG here in Lisboa, where can I find an active community, forums, sites, clubs… anything that can help me persue my favorite hobby. 

Muito obrigado :slight_smile:


one good place to find people is to go to the gathering they have every month.they have the event created in facebook(i dont know if you have facebook)


Thamk you for the info, I will check out their event and see where it takes me. Obrigado :slight_smile: