Em defesa do murk?


Roleplaying As Gestural Narrative

- by Robin Laws

Most sessions are stuffed with awkward filler, meander from one plot point to another, and are given over largely to ritualistic re-enactment of pre-established genre tropes.(...)

On second thought, though, it may transpire that it is precisely the disjunctive nature of rpg narrative, its nature as a series of awkwardly-connected cool scenes that enter into a dialogue with an entire history of previous cool scenes, that makes roleplaying worthy of critical attention.(...)

If gaming warrants critical study, it will not be despite the craziness, pop culture imagery and self-indulgence of the typical roleplaying experience — it will be because of it. They are its essence.


O que é?

Porque é que é mau?

Porque é que é bom?

(as últimas duas não são mutuamente exclusivas)

"the drunks of the Red-Piss Legion refuse to be vanquished"