Faleceu o Lynn Willis

Faleceu o Lynn Willis, um discreto e influente designer de RPGs, que foi editor da linha de Call of Cthulhu quase desde a criação do jogo e contribui para vários RPGs importantes.

O Ken Hite nota:

«He played a key role in the refinement and balance of the Basic Roleplaying system, which makes him one of the crucial designers of RuneQuest and Call of Cthulhu, as well as the other lesser lights driven by BRP. He also co-designed the Ghostbusters RPG, which is the second-best licensed RPG ever created, and incidentally provided the die pool architecture for Shadowrun and for the White Wolf Storyteller engine.

He also played a key role as shepherd and guardian of Call of Cthulhu for its first twenty years. My personal favorite edition of the game, the Fifth, is his final statement on what the game should contain, and contains probably more Lynn Willis text than it does Sandy Petersen text. (…) Every Call of Cthulhu product you've ever loved from the first edition to 1999 exists because Lynn Willis made sure its text was coherent, made sure its gameplay was sound, and made sure it got to print. And there's a strong possibility that the thing you like best about it was added or correctly shaped by Lynn, not by the credited author.» (

Notícia no site da Chaosium.

Elogiado também no último episódio do Ken and Rob talk about stuff: https://www.kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com/index.php/episode-24-conan-gets-a-fish/