Kami no Jitsu ou Clan Wars

Sendo eu interessado na cultura japonesa é natural que os meus jogos tendam sempre a ter esta temática. Recentemente eu e mais um pessoa decidimos avançar com a tentativa de criarmos um jogo de tabuleiro com a temática japonesa.

Já criamos mais ou menos um protótipo de regras e gostaria que o pessoal com mais experiencia desse uma ajuda. As regras estão em inglês, espero que não seja impedimento para as lerem...


The starting map is made of tiles in 4x5 grid. The players place one of their 5 pawns on the opposite sides of the board on their respective home tile (marked with that clans symbol). The players are then dealt 5 cards. The rest of the cards are laid face down. This is the common draw pile. Every player starts with these stats +3 to Attack, +3 to Defend, +1 to Land, +2 to move. These stats maybe modified by cards and if temples are build on certain tiles. On a turn, players play a card, move, or attack and defend if their pawn ends up on a tile that is already occupied.


Each player gets 15 temples of that clan’s color. The starting tiles are as follows: a 2x5 row of city tiles. On one side of the city, place a row of 1x5 forest tiles and on the other side a row of 1x5 mountains (these tiles are chosen randomly). The remaining tiles are placed in a bag and draw at random. Then each player takes his home tile indicated by his clan’s symbol and places it on his side of the tiles. This means he can’t place his starting tile on the sides with just forest or mountains. Both players play from the same deck. Both players are dealt 5 cards. The cards indicate a bonus to stats.

The object of the game is to conquer tiles, and have the most points at the end of the game. Every tile has a value, and if you are able to keep your pawn on that tile for a certain number of rounds without moving, then you can build a temple on that tile. It is now your clan’s tile and you collect the indicated amount of points and its positive or negative adjustment to your stat points.
Put a pawn on your home tile. The home tile is a “safe zone” where you cannot be attacked. If you want to add a pawn to the board, you must place it here first. Placing a pawn on the board takes a turn, meaning if you place a pawn you can not do anything else and your turn is over.

If you didn’t place a pawn then draw a map tile:
Draw a map tile – The starting stat for Land is +1. This means at the beginning of your turn (if you did not place a pawn) you draw and place a map tile. You must always place at least 1 tile.
Play Cards - After you place the appropriate amount of tiles you may play a card. If you play a Land card you can draw and place up to x number of extra tiles, where x is the number on the +Land card. You may also play a +move card and move an extra x spaces, where x is the number on the card.
Moving - Since the starting stat for move is +2, a player may move their pawn up to 2 tiles in straight lines, not diagonal. If you play a +move card you may also move up to that amount. A player can also choose to divide his moves between different pawns. If the player’s move is +2 he can move two pawns, one tile each. If you move onto a tile with an opponent already on it you must battle. The player who moved onto the tile is attacking, and the player who was already on the tile is defending. To resolve the battle, each player takes a + attack or +defend card from their hands (if they have one) and lays it face down. If you have two or more pawns on that tile you can play that many cards. For example, the defender has 3 pawns on a tile and the attacker moved 2 pawns on to that tile. The defender can choose to play up to 3 defend cards, and the attacker can play up to 2 attack cards. They simultaneously turn over their cards, and whoever has the highest number wins. If case of a tie, both players can choose to stay on the tile. If this happens, the battle is initiated as soon as it’s the other players turn. Remember to add your base stat and your + stat card to make your final +attack or +defend score. The loser is returned to the player, not to the home tile.
Tiles have an indicated point value and a round value. The round value is how many rounds you must stay on the tile in order to build a temple and claim it. Tiles will also have a temple symbol and then a stat. If you build a temple here it will affect your stats as indicated on the card. Once you build enough temples, you will convert people. This means you will have more pawns at your disposal.

After you a certain number of temples you get an extra pawn.
3 temples = extra pawn
5 temples= extra pawn
9 temples = extra pawn
10 temples = extra pawn

Placing land tiles - There are four types of tiles: forest, city, mountain, and ocean. You must place a forest and mountain tile next to the same type. For example: a mountain must be placed so that it is touching a mountain. It can be touching other tiles as long as it is also touching a mountain. A forest cannot, for example, be placed in such a way that it is only touching a city.

City tiles maybe placed so that they are touching any other tile. The exception to this is the ocean tiles. The ocean can be placed on any other tile as long as the ocean section of the tile is not touching a land. If another ocean tile is played it can be placed on an existing ocean tile to form an island. To do this, place the tile so that the two ocean sections of the tile are touching. The other half of an ocean tile is forest, mountain, or city. Tiles can now be placed on that tile following the rules of placement. To cross the ocean takes an extra movement. All temples built on an island get +1 point.

The game ends when some one has built every temple. Players then count how many points they have. Only tiles with temples count towards points. The player with most points wins and does a victory jig.

Agradecia que me ajudassem e se tiverem conhecimento de algum jogo semelhante avisem.

Para adoçar-vos o apetite deixo também um preview de como serão as cartas do jogo com um design muito japonês...

Kami no Jitsu cards

Será que está assim tão mau que não valha um comentário?

Gostava mesmo que me ajudassem. Eu trato mais do grafismo do jogo mas todas as ideias que reportarem aqui serão transmitidas à outra parte da criação deste jogo.


www.clubotaku.org | www.drkartoon.com


por acaso não tens um protótipo que possas trazer até Lisboa? Haverá concerteza pessoal para o testar...

Eu gostava muito, mas como disse no mail anterior o jogo ainda só tem aquelas regras escritas e os templates das cartas. Ainda falta desenhar os "tiles" com os diferentes tipos de terreno. Espero ter isso pronto até ao final deste mês.

O que eu precisava mesmo era que o pessoal mais experiente desse uma opinião sobre o que leu das regras e se acham que o jogo tem potencialidade para funcionar.

www.clubotaku.org | www.drkartoon.com

cheguem-se à frente!!!!!!!

já agora... vens a Lisboa? Podemos almoçar num restaurante Japonês! Wink

Ainda não sei.

Vou ainda falar com o pessoal aqui do grupo de Coimbra para ver o que se resolve.

www.clubotaku.org | www.drkartoon.com