[color=blue][size=20]Temos de arranjar lugar para mais material como tal estamos a fazer 30% de desconto nos board games em stock estamos a ultimar uma lista. Mas se quiser algum jogo em especial contacte-nos pelo telefone 213629382 ou por mail [email protected] [/size][/color]

[size=20][color=blue] OFERTA DOS PORTES PARA TODO O PAIS [/color][/size]


[size=15][color=#0000FF]COMO A PRIMAVERA VAI ATE 20 JUNHO A PROMOÇÃO MANTEM-SE ATÉ 21 JUNHO[/color][/size]


[color=#0000FF][size=15]Lista dos Jogos disponíveis

<b>BattleLore: Call to Arms
<b>BattleLore: Goblin Skirmisher
<b>BattleLore: Dwarven Battalion
<b>BattleLore: Epic
<b>BattleLore: Scottish Wars
<b>Attack! Boardgame
<b>Attack! Boardgame Expansion
<b>Runebound : The Scepter of Kyros (Wave I)
<b>Runebound: Terrors of the Tomb (Wave I)
<b>Runebound: Relics of Legend (Wave I)
<b>Runebound: Crown of the Elder Kings (Wave I)
<b>Runebound: The Dark Forest (Wave I)
<b>Runebound: Artifacts and Allies (Wave I)
<b>Arkham Horror: Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
<b>Descent - The Well of Darkness
<b>World of Warcraft - Shadow of War
<b>Twilight Imperium: Shattered Empire
<b>Runebound: Runemaster (Class Decks)
<b>Runebound: Battlemage (Class Decks)
<b>Runebound: Shadow Walker (Class Decks)
<b>Runebound: Blade Dancer (Class Decks)
<b>Runebound: Wildlander (Class Decks)
<b>Runebound: Spiritbound (Class Decks)
<b>Runebound: Champions of Kellos (Wave II)
<b>Runebound: Walkers of the Wild (Wave II)
<b>Runebound: Drakes and Dragonspawn (Wave II)
<b>Runebound: Avatars of Kelnov (Wave II)
<b>Runebound: Cult of the Rune (Wave II)
<b>Descent - Altar of Despair
<b>Anima - Shadow of Omega
<b>Wings of War: Famous Aces
<b>Wings of War: Watch Your Back
<b>Wings of War: Burning Drachens
<b>Wings of War: Recon Patrol
<b>Wings of War: Top Fighters
<b>Arkham Horror: The King in Yellow
<B>Warrior Knights: Crown & Glory
<b>WTM: Panzertales Collector Book
<b>Wings of War: Dawn of War
<b>Tannhäuser: Yula Figure
<b>Runebound: Rituals and Runes (Wave III)
<b>Runebound: Weapons of Legend (Wave III)
<b>Runebound: Traps and Terrors (Wave III)
<b>Runebound: Beasts and Bandits (Wave III)
<b>Runebound: The Seven Scions (Wave III)
<b>Runebound: The Cataclysm (Wave III)
<b>Runebound: Shadows of Margath (Wave II)
<b>Pax Romana - Boardgame</b>
<b>BoardGame - Zombies!!! 2nd Edition</b>
<b>Incan Gold
<b>Fire & Axe: A Viking Saga
<b>Werewolves of Millers Hollow
<b>BoardGame Zombies!!! 2 - Zombie Corps(E)
<b>Age of Empires III - Expansion
<b>Rotterdam BoardGame
<b>The Red Dragon Inn - Boardgame
<b>Talisman 4th Edition
<b>Pandemic - Boardgame
<b>Settlers of Canaan - Boardgame
<b>Age of Discovery Bordgame
<b>Settlers of Catan Card Game
<b>Carcassonne: Exp 2: Builders & Traders
<b>Carcassonne Exp 1: Inns & Cathedrals
<b>Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers
<b>Carcassonne: the Castle
<b>Medici - BoardGame
<b>Thurn & Taxi - Boardgame
<b>Thurn & Taxi - Power and Glory
<b>Bolide - Boardgame
<b>Cartagena II - Boardgame
<b>Carcassonne: The Discovery (Boardgame)
<b>Thurn & Taxi - all Roads lead to Rome
<b>Munchkin Dice Set
<b>Munchkin Cthulhu
<b>Munchkin Bites!
<b>Munchkin Bites! 2 - Pants Macabre
<b>Munchkin 5 - De-Ranged
<B>Munchkin Cthulhu 2 - Call of Cowthulhu
<b>The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin
<b>Munchkin Bobblehead
<b>Munchkin 6 - Demented Dungeons
<b>Kama Sutra Playing Cards
<b>WTM: MK.VI B - King Tiger
<b>WTM: Jagdpanzer IV
<b>WTM: MK. VG Panther
<b>WTM: M4A3 Sherman
<b>Wings of War: Airplane ver.2 (A)
<b>Wings of War: Airplane ver.2 (B)
<b>Flying Legends - Squad. Pack - Wings of War
<b>Eagles of Reich - Squad. Pack - Wings of War
<b>Catan Dice Game
<b>Wings of War: Airplane (ver.1)
<b>Memoir&#39;44: Winter/Desert boards, Exp #3</b>
<b>Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin</b>
<b>Dungeoneer: Den of the Wererats</b>
<b>Guillotine Card Game
<b>Carcassonne: The Tower</b>
<b>Super Munchkin 2 - The Narrow S Cape
<b>Star Munchkin 2: The Clown Wars
<b>Munchkin 3: Clerical Errors
<b>Munchkin Blender
<b>Munchkin 4: The Need For Steed
<b>Munchkin 2: Unnatural Axe
<b>Seafarers of Catan Revised Edition 5-6 Player
<b>Cities & Knights Revised Edition 5-6 Player
<b>Settlers of Catan Revised Edition 5-6 Player
<b>Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord</b>
<b>Dungeoneer: Call of the Lich Lord
<b>Dungeoneer: Dragons of the Forsaken Desert</b>
<b>Dungeoneer: Realm of the Ice Witch</b>
<b>Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends</b>
<b>WTM: MK. VG Panther Platoon
<b>WTM: M4A3 Sherman Platoon
<b>Memoir&#39;44: Eastern Front, Exp #1</b>
<b>Memoir&#39;44: Terrain Pack, Exp #2</b>
<b>LOR - Friends & Foes
<b>LOR - Sauron
<b>Ticket to Ride: Switzerland</b>
<b>The Traditional Christmas BoardGame
<b>Star Munchkin
<b>Munchkin Fu
<b>Munchkin Impossible</b>
<b>Super Munchkin
<b>Ticket to Ride - The Card Game
<b>Strip Tease
<b>Alhambra - The City Gates
<b>Alhambra - The Thief&#39;s Turn
<b>Alhambra - The Treasure Chamber
<b>Love Tube - Cleopatra
<b>Love Tube - Tarzan & Jane
<b>Love Tube - Kamasutra
<b>Love Tube - Romeu & Julieta
<b>Memoir ’44 Pacific Terrain Pack
<b>BoardGame - Zombies 4!!! The End 2ºEd
<b>Section X - Boardgame
<b>BoardGame - Black Box+
<b>Beowulf: The Movie Boardgame
<b>Murder City - BoardGame
<b>Railroad Tycoon - Rails of Europe
<b>Ming Dynasty Boardgame
<b>Ticket to Ride - Märklin Edition</b>
<b>Runebound : the Island of Dread (Expansion)</b>
<b>Britannia BoarGame</b>
<b>Dunwich Horror - Arkham Horror Exp. </b>
<b>Runebound - Sands of Al-Kalim
<b>CheckGoal - Futebol Xadrez
<b>Ticket to Ride Europe</b>
<b>Memoir&#39;44: Air Pack
<B>Sin City - The Game
<b>Vampire: Prince of the City</b>
<b>Caylus - 2nd edition</b>
<b>Seafarers of Catan Revised Edition
<b>Cities & Knights Revised Edition
<b>Settlers of Catan Revised Edition
<b>Runebound: Midnight Expansion (Second Edition)</b>
<b>WarCraft Boardgame PT
<b>War of the Ring: Battles of the Third Age</b>
<b>Mission Red Planet
<b>Stonehenge - Boardgame
<b>French Kiss Party - Boardgame
<b>In Love - Boardgame
<b>World of Warcraft: the Burning Crusade Exp.
<b>Love Tube - Dream Vibes
<b>Castelo do Prazer - Boardgame
<b>Memoir &#39;44
<b>Shadows Over Camelot</b>
<b>Fury Of Dracula BoardGame</b>
<b>Warrior Knights</b>
<b>Descent: Road to Legend Boardgame
<b>Tide of Iron - Days of the Fox
<b>Risk - Star Wars Trilogy Edition
<b>Risk - Transformers
<b>Khronos - Boardgame
<b>Puerto Rico</b>
<b>1960: The Making of the President Boardgame
<b>Risk 2210 AD Refresh
<b>Cleopatra and the Society of Architects</b>
<b>Colosseum - Boardgame
<b>Runebound (Second Edition)
<b>The End of the Triumvirate Boardgame
<b>Catan Histories: Struggle for Rome
<B>Arkham Horror
<b>Railroad Tycoon - The Boardgame</b>
<b>Axis & Allies: Battle of the Bulge
<b>War of the Ring
<b>MARVEL HEROES Boardgame </b>
<b>Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal
<b>Age of Empires III - Boardgame
<b>Dust - BoardGame
<b>Game of Thrones
<b>Age of Mythology Boardgame
<b>Axis & Allies Europe
<b>Axis & Allies Pacific
<b>Axis & Allies
<b>Axis & Allies D-Day
<b>Nexus Ops
<b>Exalted: War for the Throne
Conquest of the Empire
<b>Descent: Journeys in the Dark
<b>Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition
<b>World of Warcraft: the Board Game</b>
<b>TIDE OF IRON - Boardgame
<b>StarCraft: The BoardGame
<b>Civilisation Boardgame

Devido a grande adesão a "limpeza" alguns destes jogos podem ja não estar disponiveis jogos e o prazo de entrega para os mesmos passará a ser de 15 a 20 dias, Se pertender outros consulte-nos [/size][/color]

E os preços?
