Mais um concurso no BGG.

Desta vez é o [url=] Petroglyph Games Panzer General: Allied Assault Giveaway Contest[/url]

Aqui ficam as minhas respostas:

Q1: How many cards were made for the Panzer General Boardgame?

A) 140 cards for the set

B) 180 cards for the set <<<=======

C) 240 cards for the set

Q2: Which battles can the Panzer General game recreate?

A) The early years and just after the Americans entered the war in any battles fought during World War II.

B) Every battle that any American was ever in during World War II.

C) Every American battle fought in Europe during World War II. <<<=======

Q3: Support is a very important feature of the game that allows other friendly units to add their numbers to the attack. The three units with the largest support values are:

A) American 75 mm Howitzer, Anti-Tank 57 mm Towed Gun, and Artillery 4.2 Mortar <<<=======

B) Armored M3 Grant-Lee tank, PZ VI Tiger 1, and M12 Howitzer

C) German Anti-Air Flak 88 unit, Anti-Tank 57 mm Towed Gun, and M12 Howitzer

Q4: Which one of these things is incorrect about the Passable River Terrain Tile:

A) The Target Terrain Bonus = 0.

B) Firing from a passable river receives a -2 firing terrain penalty. <<<=======

C) The Prestige Award for the tile = 1.

Q5: Which of these "Dug-in" features is incorrect?

A) A unit card that becomes dug-in cannot move or initiate combat in the same Operations Phase. <<<=======

B) When the offensive targets a "Dug-in" card, the "Dug-in" card fires first, removing its "Dug-in" status, of course.

C) Being "Dug-in" gives a unit a defensive bonus of +2.

Acho que devia ter ido ler o manual do bicho. Só respondi certo a 2!!! A ver se o ppl se consegue ajudar a fazer com que um Tuga ganhe qq coisa!

Respondi CCCBC e tive 4 certas.

Diria que as que tens certas sao a 2 e a 4.

boa sorte.


Fiz download das regras, usei o search do Acrobat e respondi CCCCA ... 3 certas!

Algo me diz que este concurso tem erro nas respostas... Não seria a primeira vez.

De qualquer modo, aquelas que tenho mais certeza são a 1, a 3 e 4. Para ser franco, até só tenho algumas dúvidas na segunda, mas enfim.

O correcto é CCCBB

Estranho tenho qs a certeza que li aquilo do dug in defesa +2 no rulebook.

Mas também fiz aquilo um bocado à pressa que o jogo também não me interessa propriamente :P



O correcto é CCCBB


Obrigadão pelas respostas people!


They can keep their heaven. When i die, I'd sooner go to Middle Earth - George R. R. Martin