Material Para venda

Bem finalment consegui acabar a lista do materiall que tenho para venda

A lista e enorme entre outras coisas  tenho isto:

    White Wolf RPG World of Drakness (old) WWP 002223 Wod: Gypsi
    White Wolf RPG Vampire (old) WWP 002302 Guide to Camarilla
    White Wolf RPG Vampire (old) WWP 002361 Clanbook: Tzimisce
    White Wolf RPG Vampire (old) WWP 002364 Clanbook: Ravnos
    White Wolf RPG Vampire (old) WWP 002441 Vampirethe Masquerade:Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom
    White Wolf RPG Vampire Victorian Age WWP 002470 Victorian Age: Vampire
    White Wolf RPG Vampire Victorian Age WWP 002471 Victorian Age: London by Night
    White Wolf RPG Vampire: Dark Ages (old) WWP 002806 Liege, Lord & lackey
    White Wolf RPG Vampire: Dark Ages (old) WWP 002820 Wolves of the Sea
    White Wolf RPG Kindred of the East WWP 002905 Dharmabook; Bone Flowers
    White Wolf RPG Kindred of the East WWP 002930 Killing Streets
    White Wolf RPG WereWolf (old) WWP 003052 Bone Gnawers Tribebook (old)
    White Wolf RPG WereWolf (old) WWP 003060 Silver Fangs Tribebook (old)
    White Wolf RPG WereWolf (old) WWP 003062 Uktena Tribebook

    White Wolf RPG Mage (old) WWP 004662 Tradition Book Dreamspeakers Rev.
    White Wolf RPG Mage (old) WWP 004663 Tradition Book: Euthanatos
    White Wolf RPG Mage (old) WWP 004666 Tradition Book: Hollw Ones Revised
    White Wolf RPG Mage Sorceres WWP 004804 The Artisans Handbook
    White Wolf RPG Mage Sorceres WWP 004807 Order of Reason
    White Wolf RPG World of Darkness (old) WWP 006103 World of darkness: Tokyo
    White Wolf RPG Changling WWP 007201 Immortal Eyes: Shadow on the Hill
    White Wolf RPG Hunter WWP 008107 Hunterbook: Judges
    White Wolf RPG Hunter WWP 008134 Hunter: Moonstruck
    White Wolf RPG Demon WWP 008201 Demon Storyteller's Companion
    White Wolf RPG Demon WWP 008220 Demon: Saviors & Destroyers
    White Wolf RPG Demon WWP 008270 Deomon: Fear to Tread
    White Wolf RPG Exalted WWP 008821 Time of Tumulte
    White Wolf RPG Exalted WWP 008822 Exalted : Savage Seas
    White Wolf RPG Exalted WWP 008823 Games of Divinity
    White Wolf RPG Exalted WWP 008832 Caste Book : Twilight
    White Wolf RPG Exalted WWP 008834 Exalted: Caste Book: Eclipse

Isto e so parte de uma lista de mais de 400 Produtos antigos.
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Phillip Moringer

Netdeamon Lda
Tel: 351-914770690
e-mail: [email protected]