Notas do primeiro DM

"[The Referee] should bear in mind the principle that anything can be attempted. The advisability of an attempt is another thing, and one that it is the object of the War Game to make evident to all concerned by results."

"The decision in all such cases devolves more or less upon the Referee himself, but should seldom be so rendered as entirely to foreclose the question; it should rather be formulated into a ratio, in which both sides receive due consideration, and under which, by suitably consulting the dice, a decision can be arrived at without prejudice to either side."

"Table I will be found of great convenience for reference in these premises. It by no means covers all the cases liable to arise in action, but, to say the least, it is suggestive. In all such cases a large discretion must be exercised, and, when tabulated data do not exist or are inadequate, the Referee must originate."

"It will thus be seen that upon the Referee, in particular, will depend the successful realization of very much of the vast amount of interest and information which may be derived from a study so comprehensive. And it should, of course, be needless to state that the players themselves should enter into the spirit of the game, and supplement to their utmost every effort of the Referee to perform his arduous duties."