Raiders of Ridgeworld

There is war coming to the Refuge Valley. And you are going to be part of it.

For eons the Kizz were the masters of the Great Valley. Under the leadership of the four Zamris the valley prospered despite their endless fights fueled by Taarg serfs from the High Valleys and Nurdgar allies from the Crooked Ridge. Then came the Ramleh out of nowhere from the Snake Lake and everything changed.

You are either a Kiz fighter, a Taarg serf, a Nurdgar warrior or a Ramleh expeditionary. You are part of the fights that are about the break the balance in the Great Valley. Take your side and prepare for the fight.


The Kizz are a reptilian people. Females live in villages taking care of their nests and most work. Males take care of food and fight. They are separated into two classes, lower Kiz and fighting Kiz. They are lead by the Zamris, kings of the Kiz. There are four Zamritzz or kingdoms in the Great Valley.

The Taarg are an humanoid race that looks a lot like primitive humans. They are big and heavy. They live in the high valleys. Their young males are expelled by the elders of their tribes into the lower valleys, including some distant corners of the Great Valley. The Kizz Zamris capture these youth and use them as war serfs until the day when they return to the high valleys in order to challenge their elders.

The Nurdgar are humanoids hat looks like Earth humans with yellow air and light-red skin. They form nomadic groups and both men and women fight. They reached the Great Valley from the Crooked Ridge but became part of the local population. They sell their services to the different Zamris.

The Ramleh are also humanoids similar to Mediterranean stock. They reached the Great Valley no more than three generations ago. In the first times their intent was peaceful but now they are interfering with the politics of the Zamritzz.


The game system used in the Ridgeworld game is fairly simple. A character has attributes and skills.

The attributes vary between 1d4-1 and 1d12+1 with the middle value at 1d8. There are three basic attributes: Intelect, Coordination and Interaction. These can be combined into three derived attributes, Dexterity, Influence and Grace.

Skills have five levels of profiency. Skills are player-defined based on the people of the character and his social role (fighter, communicator, artisan, thinker, worker or marginal).

When deciding a game situation the player selects the apropriate attribute and skill. The attribute defines the type of die to use; the skill the number of dice and how they are interpreted. The player rolls the corresponding dicepool and defines picks the relevant value.

When doing an action without opposition the GM and player define the level of success that is required. If the roll is above the level it succeeds. If it is double the level it is a good success. If it is 4 times the level it is a critical success.

When doing an opposed action both sides roll their dicepools and pick their result. These are compared in similar terms to the rules just stated.

That's the basics. The rest is to be seen at the game table.