RIP Dave Arneson

Dave Arneson, co-criador do RPG D&D com Gary Gygax, faleceu a 7 de Abril de 2009.

Com ele, os criadores de D&D partem deste mundo, deixando-nos o hobby que tanta alegria nos trouxe.

Com a morte de Keith Herber o mês passado, estes ultimos 13 meses têm sido negors parra o hobby.

Adeus, Dave, és um aventureiro em Blackmoor agora.

vc merece, deixou um legado para o mundo!

mais um dos grandes que sai de cena... isto so anda pa pior :\

que a proxima aventura seja melhor.

E desta partiu a outra parte dos que foi o início dos RPG's.

O mundo dos RPG's está definitivamente mais pobre com a partida do Dave Arneson, mas é bom pensar que, é provavel que neste preciso momento, ele o o Gary Gygax estejam a planear a sua próxima campanha!

Que os dados nunca deixem de rolar!

by Tycho:

Gygax always struck me as a tremendously sinister name: no mortal name, this. This was the sort of name one earned in the service of horned devils and more primordial shapes of evil, a boon for the loyal servant, placed like a black crown on the bowed head.

The first time I ever played Dungeons & Dragons, I was six years old - books with great red demons on the cover that dared us to claim their riches, subtitled by this alien name Gygax. My mother was furious when she found my uncles had exposed me to those subterranean burrows, spilling over with rubies, and tourmalines, and the wealth of old kings even songs no longer remember. As a young man, I began hiding the books I bought inside my bed, which had a vast hollow space I had hidden in as a child. These books were soon discovered, and blamed for everything from recent colds to the dissolution of my parents' marriage. I took the wrong lesson, I'm afraid: I didn't learn to fear them. What I learned was that books, some books, were swollen with power - and this power projected into the physical realm. Some books contain the machinery required to create and sustain universes.

I owe a tremendous debt to his legacy. I couldn't even calculate how deep.