The Great Pendragon Campaign ganha o Prémio Diana Jones


[quote]The 2007 Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming has been given to The Great Pendragon Campaign, a role-playing game campaign book by Greg Stafford, published by White Wolf.

The winner was announced at a ceremony packed with games industry professionals, from designers to publishers and distributors, held at Jillian's in Indianapolis at 9 pm Wednesday, August 16, the day before the opening of the Gen Con Indy game convention.

In terms of sheer scope, Greg Stafford's Great Pendragon Campaign breaks new ground, presenting almost a century's worth of continuous story with gemlike clarity; in almost fractal fashion, any given year can become its own campaign. Its greatest structural successes are those of Stafford's Pendragon: a superbly compact yet never sketchy adventure format, seamless hard-wiring of characters into setting and continuity, and unprecedented emphasis on epic, generational storytelling. Thematically, it is a triumph of Arthurian art , the roleplaying form's equivalent of Tennyson's The Idylls of the King or Wagner's Parsifal—a brilliant personal engagement with one of the foundation myths of Western fantasy.

Greg Stafford has worked in the hobby-games industry since 1975, when he founded the publishing company Chaosium. His seminal game RuneQuest was released in 1978, and he is widely regarded as one of the most influential and inspirational designers in the history of the RPG field.

Also shortlisted for the Diana Jones Award this year were the pirate-based coin game Pieces of Eight designed by Jeff Tidball and published by Atlas Games; and Stefan Pokorny, the creator, sculptor and painter of the Master Maze line of miniature terrain from Dwarven Forge.

The Diana Jones Award is given annually to whatever in the opinion of its mostly-anonymous committee shows or exemplifies gaming at its best. Anyone and anything within the games industry and hobby is eligible to win the Diana Jones Award, including individuals, products, publications, publishers, distributors, retailers, clubs, organisations, conventions, events, trends, innovations and concepts. Previous winners include Peter Adkison and Jordan Weisman, the RPGs Nobilis, Sorcerer and My Life with Master, and the boardgame Ticket to Ride.

For more information please contact James Wallis: [email protected]
Contact the Diana Jones Award committee: [email protected]
More information on the award:

Eu também não sabia, por isso fui cuscar. Ora notem:

[quote]What is the Diana Jones Award?
The Diana Jones Award is an annual award created to publicly acknowledge excellence in gaming. The award was first made for the year 2000, and the first award ceremony was on August 4, 2001.

Why is this award different?
The Diana Jones Award is decided on merit, not popularity or commercial success. You may never have heard of some of the nominees, but you can be certain that they are all outstanding in their fields. What is more, because the winner is chosen by a closed, anonymous committee, it is impossible for a manufacturer or publisher to stuff the ballot or interfere with the voting.

What is ‘Excellence in Gaming’?
The Diana Jones Award is designed to reward any combination of achievement, innovation, and anything that has benefited or advanced the hobby and industry as a whole; or which has had the greatest positive effect on games and gaming; or which, in the opinion of the judging committee, shows or exemplifies gaming at its best.

The precise interpretation of ‘excellence in gaming’ is left to the discretion of the individual judges, who approach the subject from many different backgrounds and perspectives. Innovation, artistic merit, commercial success, cultural significance, longevity and several other factors are all considered.

What is eligible for the award?
Anyone and anything within the games industry and hobby is eligible to win the Diana Jones award. That includes but is not restricted to: individuals, products, publications, publishers, distributors, retailers, clubs, organisations, conventions, events, trends, innovations and concepts. It is possible that the committee may decide not to give the award if in their opinion nothing in the previous year was sufficiently outstanding to qualify.

Who judges the award?
The Award is decided by a panel of people working in all areas and at all levels of the hobby-games business, who have all distinguished themselves in their field. It is up to each member of the judging committee to decide whether they will reveal their membership, but the full membership list will not be made public. Most of the members of the Diana Jones judging committee are anonymous, but Peter Adkison, Matt Forbeck, John Kovalic and James Wallis have all revealed their membership. New members are invited at the discretion of the existing members.

During the nominations round, a complete list of all the suggestions received is circulated to all the judges. They discuss the list in secret and cut it down to a shortlist of four to seven which is usually announced in late spring. After further deliberations, discussions and playtests, the final winner is chosen from this shortlist.

When is the award announced?
A shortlist of nominees is announced in the spring of each year, and after the committee’s final deliberations the winner of the Diana Jones award are revealed at a party at the Gen Con game convention, where the trophy is presented.

How many winners are there?
There is normally one winner each year. However, there has been a tie in the past, and the committee allows for that possibility in the future.

What does the winner receive?
The winner of the Diana Jones Award receives the Diana Jones trophy, which they may keep for a year before it passes to the next winner of the Award. They and the other nominees receive the right to use the Diana Jones Award logo for promotional purposes.

What is the Diana Jones Award?
The Diana Jones trophy was originally created by the UK office of TSR Hobbies in the mid-1980s, to commemorate the expiration of that company's licence to publish the Indiana Jones Role-Playing Game and the subsequent destruction of all unsold copies of the game. It was liberated from TSR Hobbies by forces unnamed and subsequently came into the custody of a member of the Diana Jones committee.

The trophy is a four-sided pyramid made of Perspex, standing ten centimetres high and mounted on a wooden base. Sealed within the Perspex are the burnt remains of the last copy of the Indiana Jones RPG, including two still-recognizable cardboard ‘Nazi™’ figures, as recorded in gaming folklore.

The Diana Jones committee believes that a trophy that embodies the destruction of the last copy of one of the games industry’s most unloved and least-mourned products is a suitable symbol for the aims of the Diana Jones Award.

Who is Diana Jones?
Nobody. The only visible part of the Indiana Jones logo within the trophy has been burnt away so that it reads Diana Jones, and the award takes its name from that.

E, já agora, estes foram outros vecendores do prémio:

Irish Game Convention Charity Auctions, por, na Irlanda, se fazerem convenções de jogos com receitas que revertem depois para caridade, em 2006
TICKET TO RIDE, o jogo do Alan Moon, por ser considerado a melhor introdução aos boardgames e ter um design elegante e apelativo, em 2005
My Life With Master, o jogo do Paul Czege*, por ter mecânicas simples orientadas para a narrativa que não se metem no caminho da história, em 2004
Nobilis 2nd Ed, o jogo da Rebecca Borgstrom, por elevar a fasquia dos jogos ao aliar o bom design à prosa literária com que o escreveu, em 2003
Sorcerer, o jogo do Ron Edwards, por ser um trabalho novo, honesto, e preocupado com o bom roleplay, em 2002
Peter Adkinson, fundador da WotC, pelo trabalho desenvolvido nessa empresa em prol do hobby, em 2001

*o Paul Czege, que me agradeceu pessoalmente por andar a espalhar a palavra sobre o jogo dele.


Não te metas comigo, camarada; tenho n avisos à navegação, alguns deles em público, e não tenho medo de os usar.

Rui, a campnaha de cyberpunk recomeçou. Só que há um problema com os mails que não envia os avisos.

Pois, teve de ser o Jorge a reparar que o site não enviava mais há n dias… Anyway, em princípio já está resolvido que já recebi alguns agora, mas o pessoal do apoio técnico ainda deve estar a fazer os últimos testes portanto pode não estar fiável a 100% até lá enquanto eles brincam com as configurações.