The Real Gamers Use Dice Test

Ha-ah! Não é 100% mas é quase. Devo ter falhado uma ou duas das perguntas sobre os sócios da TSR e os seus jogos D&D e Alternity.

Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 89% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;)

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 94% on dice
Link: The Real Gamers use Dice Test written by luminasita on OkCupid Free Online Dating
  <table cellpadding="20" border="0" align="center">     <tr>      <td align="center">       <strong>Ultimate Gamer!!</strong><br />       GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 90% !      </td>     </tr>     <tr>      <td> What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;) </td>     </tr>     <tr>      <td align="center">       <img border="0" src="" />      </td>     </tr>    </table>   <br /><br /><br />  <table cellpadding="20" border="0">  <tr>   <td>     My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people <em>your age and gender</em>:<blockquote><table cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td valign="middle"><table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td width="120" height="20"><a href=""><img border="0" alt="free online dating" src="" /></a></td><td width="30"><a href=""><img border="0" alt="free online dating" src="" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td valign="middle">You scored higher than <strong>80%</strong> on <strong>dice</strong></td></tr></table></blockquote>    </td>  </tr> </table>  <table cellpadding="20" border="0"><tr><td>Link: <a href="">The Real Gamers use Dice Test</a> written by <a href="">luminasita</a> on <a href="">Ok Cupid</a></td></tr></table>

Baaaaah, tenho mesmo que reler o meu trabalho para Ingles III, que foi sobre RPGs (O desgraçado do prof deu-me só um 14 porque a) n tinha nada a ver com os temas que ele pediu, e b) estava tão bem feito que ele acusou-me de o ter copiado da net) --- lá mencionava o parceiro do Gygax, e para minha grande vergonha não me lembro do amigo dele, apesar de saber que falei dele tb no trabalho. Mesmo assim, não fiz má figura.

Ah, e o Rick Danger estava ao meu lado quando fiz o teste, por isso sabem que não "Googlei" nenhuma das respostas!

Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 90% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;)

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 96% on dice

Link: The Real Gamers use Dice Test written by luminasita on Ok Cupid
Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 91% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;)

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 98% on dice
Link: The Real Gamers use Dice Test written by luminasita on Ok Cupid
Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 95% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;)

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 97% on dice
If you liked my test, send it to your friends!
Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 77% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;)

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 80% on dice
Link: The Real Gamers use Dice Test written by luminasita on Ok Cupid

OK, ainda sou tenrinho mas houve cenas em que é preciso ser mesmo muito cromo! Ups, parece que não estou sozinho e alguém aqui pode ouvir... ;)


Light allows us to see, Darkness forces us to create...


Ultimate Gamer!!
GM says drop 2d10, aanndd... you roll 83% !
What, are you a first generation gamer? Did you own the brown box?! Whatever you do in your spare time, gaming seems to be your job. Either you looked up the answers or you're the best of the best, the type that makes other gamers strive to know more. Just don't let the knowledge overwhelm the newbies, it tends to push them from the hobby. We all bow before you. You are the living nat 20, congradulations. I'm going to flee the scene now ;)
We r all as one!!
We are The Borg. We are Eternal. We will return. Resistance is Futile...

If freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will have freedom.