Aqui deixamos os artigos de RPG, Comics, Novels e Magazines em promoção de Natal!
Runadrake's Colosseum Romae
Travessa Henrique Cardoso, n.º 71-B
1700-227 LIsboa
Código | Designação | Preço Antigo | Preço Promoção |
AEG 003104 | Creature of Rokugan (d20) | 31,45 € | 23,40 € |
AEG 008327 | Dungeons | 20,95 € | 17,83 € |
AEG 008504 | Undead | 20,95 € | 18,71 € |
AEG 008508 | War | 20,95 € | 18,71 € |
AEG 008509 | Monster | 26,20 € | 19,50 € |
AEG 008510 | Gods | 28,30 € | 22,46 € |
AEG 008511 | Mercenaries | 31,45 € | 23,68 € |
AEG 008514 | Toolbox | 28,30 € | 25,99 € |
BAS 001000 | Minions : Fearsome Foes | 26,20 € | 23,40 € |
BAS 001005 | Oathbound: Domains of the Forge | 41,95 € | 37,60 € |
CHA 002017 | Dragon Lords of Melnibone | 23,95 € | 19,97 € |
CHA 002018 | Slaves of Fate | 15,95 € | 13,97 € |
CHA 002724 | Book of Knights | 7,50 € | 6,67 € |
EDN 000011 | Bodyguard of Leis: Mokele | 18,95 € | 13,50 € |
EDN 000012 | Bodyguard of Leis #3: Synergy | 23,10 € | 23,10 € |
FAF 002004 | Encyclopedia of Demons & Devils | 29,95 € | 27,51 € |
FAF 002005 | Rings of Power | 25,50 € | 24,79 € |
FAF 002006 | Swords of Power | 26,99 € | 26,24 € |
FAF 002007 | Demonic Lairs | 12,95 € | 11,93 € |
FAS 007117 | Bug City | 21,00 € | 12,00 € |
FAS 007124 | Cyberpirates | 21,00 € | 15,00 € |
FAS 007325 | Missions | 10,28 € | 9,88 € |
FAS 007327 | Blood in Boardroom | 10,28 € | 9,88 € |
FAS 007331 | Brainscan | 21,95 € | 19,69 € |
FFG 00DD29 | Traps & Treachery II | 24,95 € | 23,51 € |
FPR 010654 | Wake Of The Comet | 20,00 € | 18,83 € |
FPR 010655 | Shadow of North America | 29,95 € | 25,76 € |
FPR 010657 | New Seattle Sourcebook (3rd Ed.) | 19,95 € | 19,03 € |
GGW 000018 | Doomstone: Death Rock | 12,60 € | 9,00 € |
GKP 002716 | Pendragon 4th Edition | 29,95 € | 24,98 € |
GRR 001003 | terror in Freeport | 7,95 € | 7,00 € |
GRR 001004 | Madness in Freeport | 10,95 € | 8,99 € |
GRR 001005 | Legions of Hell | 14,95 € | 12,27 € |
GRR 001009 | Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts | 14,95 € | 12,27 € |
GRR 001301 | The Assassin's Handbook | 14,95 € | 12,33 € |
HIG 005000 | Chivalry & Sorcery | 15,95 € | 14,44 € |
HIG 005101 | C&S: Gamemaster Shield | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
HIG 005200 | Creatures Bestiary | 19,95 € | 18,38 € |
HIG 008001 | Storm Watch | 8,40 € | 6,00 € |
ICE 005505 | Rolemaster Annual 1996 | 12,00 € | 9,44 € |
ICE 005541 | Races & Cultures : Underground Races | 18,70 € | 13,86 € |
ICE 005702 | Shades of Darkness | 18,70 € | 13,86 € |
ICE 005800 | Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing | 30,00 € | 22,78 € |
ICE 005806 | Character Law | 20,00 € | 15,21 € |
IPG 001730 | Emperor's Vehicles | 22,91 € | 12,60 € |
IPG 002002 | Milieu o. Campaign | 15,75 € | 15,75 € |
IRN 001001 | Talislanta 4th | 39,95 € | 37,60 € |
KEN 001005 | Kingdom of Kalamar Atlas | 29,95 € | 29,10 € |
KEN 001006 | Kingdoms of Kalamar DM's Screen | 19,95 € | 19,37 € |
KEN 001009 | Player Character Record Book | 12,95 € | 10,30 € |
MGP 000010 | The Slayers´ Guide to Orcs | 9,95 € | 7,35 € |
MGP 000019 | The Slayers' Guide to Derro | 9,95 € | 6,56 € |
MGP 001008 | Encyclopaedia Arcane: Elementalism | 14,95 € | 11,76 € |
MGP 001101 | Power Classes I - Assassin | 2,95 € | 2,34 € |
MGP 001102 | Power Classes II Gladiator | 2,95 € | 2,34 € |
MGP 001103 | Power Classes III Exorcist | 2,95 € | 2,34 € |
MGP 001104 | Power Classes IV Noble | 2,95 € | 2,34 € |
MGP 002001 | Gladiator: Sands Of Death | 16,95 € | 13,35 € |
MGP 003002 | Ships of the Goblinoides | 9,95 € | 5,86 € |
MGP 007008 | Guide to Criminal Organisation | 14,95 € | 14,11 € |
MGP 008002 | Tir Nan Og | 19,95 € | 16,59 € |
MGP 008003 | The Invunerable King | 19,95 € | 16,59 € |
MGP 008004 | Tribes> The Fir Domain | 9,95 € | 6,82 € |
MYG 000001 | The Hunt: Rise Of Evil Core Book | 19,95 € | 17,83 € |
MYG 000002 | The Pit of Loch-Durrnan | 11,95 € | 10,47 € |
MYG 000003 | Nightmares & Dreams | 15,00 € | 10,28 € |
MYG 000005 | Of Places Most Foul | 14,95 € | 14,03 € |
MYG 000006 | Nightmares & Dreams II | 15,00 € | 11,21 € |
RTG 006041 | Book of Sigils: Magical Order | 7,88 € | 7,88 € |
SJG 006003 | GURPS: Autoduel | 9,45 € | 9,45 € |
SJG 006021 | GURPS: Mecha | 9,45 € | 9,45 € |
SJG 006023 | GURPS: Magic 2nd Ed. | 11,55 € | 11,55 € |
SJG 006066 | GURPS: Creatures of the night | 11,55 € | 11,55 € |
SJG 006079 | GURPS: Reign of Steel | 9,45 € | 9,45 € |
SJG 006114 | GURPS: Fantasy Adventures | 9,95 € | 9,19 € |
SJG 006411 | GURPS: Wizards | 10,50 € | 10,50 € |
SJG 006514 | GURPS: Grimoire | 13,65 € | 13,65 € |
THR 001001 | Fvlminata RPG | 29,95 € | 31,05 € |
TLG 001010 | Codex of Erde | 34,95 € | 27,60 € |
TSR 002629 | Faction War | 18,48 € | 16,50 € |
TSR 002808 | Campaign Kit | 12,60 € | 11,25 € |
TSR 003123 | Player's Secret of Khourane | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 003127 | Player's Secret of St. Jordvik | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 009554 | Citadel of Light | 20,16 € | 18,00 € |
TSR 009574 | For Duty & Deity | 14,01 € | 12,51 € |
TSR 009588 | Palanthas | 10,50 € | 8,40 € |
TSR 011339 | Outbound : An Explorer Guide | 18,48 € | 16,50 € |
TSR 011615 | Killing Jar | 15,96 € | 14,25 € |
TSR 011644 | Forge of Fury | 9,95 € | 8,77 € |
TSR 011647 | Hero Builders Guide | 14,95 € | 14,95 € |
TSR 011710 | Pool of Radiance | 17,95 € | 17,06 € |
TSR 011760 | Diablerie | 23,52 € | 21,00 € |
TSR 011795 | SW: Character Sheets | 9,95 € | 8,53 € |
WEG 040065 | SW: Gamemaster Handbook (D6) | 9,45 € | 9,45 € |
WTC 011830 | Speaker in Dreams | 9,95 € | 9,19 € |
WTC 011831 | Diablo II : To Hell & Back | 29,95 € | 28,88 € |
WTC 011832 | Monster of Farerun | 21,95 € | 20,86 € |
WTC 011838 | The Standing Stone | 9,95 € | 9,84 € |
WTC 011843 | Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil | 29,95 € | 26,25 € |
WTC 011847 | Heart of Nightfange Spire | 9,95 € | 9,19 € |
WTC 011852 | Enemies & Allies | 14,95 € | 13,13 € |
WTC 011855 | Deep Horizon | 9,95 € | 9,19 € |
WTC 011857 | Song & Silence | 19,95 € | 15,00 € |
WTC 011963 | SW: Living Force | 14,95 € | 13,59 € |
WTC 011964 | Magic of Faerun | 29,95 € | 26,78 € |
WTC 011989 | Lords of Darkness | 29,95 € | 28,23 € |
WTC 881580 | Savage Species; Players Monstrous Char. | 29,95 € | 22,80 € |
WTC 8816300 | Lord of the Iron Fortess | 9,95 € | 9,12 € |
WTC 8816400 | Masters of the Wild | 19,95 € | 16,40 € |
WTC 881670 | Bastion of Broken Souls | 9,95 € | 8,69 € |
WTC 885740 | City of the Spider Queen | 29,95 € | 26,86 € |
WTC 886430 | Faiths and Pantheons | 32,95 € | 30,38 € |
WTC 8865800 | New Jedi Order Sourcebook | 29,95 € | 26,51 € |
WWP 005399 | WOD: Time of Judgment | 29,95 € | 24,38 € |
WWP 008377 | Raise The Dead | 15,95 € | 12,79 € |
WWP 002063 | Clanbook Giovanni (old) | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WWP 002106 | Blood Magic : Secretes of Thaumaturgy | 19,95 € | 16,17 € |
WWP 002223 | Wod: Gypsi | 18,95 € | 17,72 € |
WWP 002302 | Guide to Camarilla | 25,95 € | 20,40 € |
WWP 002361 | Clanbook: Tzimisce | 14,95 € | 13,13 € |
WWP 002364 | Clanbook: Ravnos | 14,95 € | 13,13 € |
WWP 002441 | Vampirethe Masquerade:Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom | 29,95 € | 22,26 € |
WWP 002470 | Victorian Age: Vampire | 26,95 € | 23,94 € |
WWP 002471 | Victorian Age: London by Night | 17,95 € | 14,47 € |
WWP 002806 | Liege, Lord & lackey | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 002820 | Wolves of the Sea | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 002905 | Dharmabook; Bone Flowers | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 002930 | Killing Streets | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 003052 | Bone Gnawers Tribebook (old) | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WWP 003060 | Silver Fangs Tribebook (old) | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WWP 003062 | Uktena Tribebook | 7,65 € | 7,22 € |
WWP 003063 | Hengetokai: Shapeshifters of the East | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 003076 | Nuwisha | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 003082 | Ananasi | 12,60 € | 12,60 € |
WWP 003114 | Rage across Egypt | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 003701 | Frontier Secrets | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 003806 | Players Guide to Garou | 29,95 € | 26,68 € |
WWP 003811 | Book of the City | 19,95 € | 17,82 € |
WWP 003851 | Tribe Book : Black Furies | 14,95 € | 12,34 € |
WWP 003855 | Tribebook: Get of Fenris | 14,95 € | 13,39 € |
WWP 003857 | Tribebook: Red Talons | 15,95 € | 14,33 € |
WWP 003999 | Werewolf:Apocalypse | 26,95 € | 20,65 € |
WWP 004010 | Wod: Sorcerer | 16,00 € | 14,44 € |
WWP 004045 | Dead Magic | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 004046 | Blood Treachery | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 004047 | Dragons of the east | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 004048 | DeadMagic 2: Secrets and Survivors | 21,95 € | 19,55 € |
WWP 004255 | Manifesto : Transmissions from the Rogue Council | 16,95 € | 15,03 € |
WWP 004604 | Mage Storytellers Handbook | 25,95 € | 26,56 € |
WWP 004631 | The Fallen Tower : Las Vegas | 19,95 € | 17,76 € |
WWP 004662 | Tradition Book Dreamspeakers Rev. | 14,95 € | 11,75 € |
WWP 004663 | Tradition Book: Euthanatos | 14,95 € | 12,12 € |
WWP 004666 | Tradition Book: Hollw Ones Revised | 14,95 € | 11,77 € |
WWP 004804 | The Artisans Handbook | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 004807 | Order of Reason | 22,00 € | 24,50 € |
WWP 006103 | World of darkness: Tokyo | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 007201 | Immortal Eyes: Shadow on the Hill | 14,40 € | 11,67 € |
WWP 008107 | Hunterbook: Judges | 6,66 € | 6,09 € |
WWP 008134 | Hunter: Moonstruck | 17,95 € | 14,55 € |
WWP 008201 | Demon Storyteller's Companion | 15,95 € | 15,29 € |
WWP 008220 | Demon: Saviors & Destroyers | 15,95 € | 12,61 € |
WWP 008270 | Deomon: Fear to Tread | 19,95 € | 17,77 € |
WWP 008314 | Relics & Rituals 2: Lost Lore | 25,95 € | 21,04 € |
WWP 008321 | Mithril : City of The Golem | 17,95 € | 14,11 € |
WWP 008330 | Vigil Watch: Warrens of the Ratmen | 12,80 € | 10,24 € |
WWP 008331 | Wilderness and Wastelands | 12,95 € | 10,26 € |
WWP 008332 | Serpent in the Fold | 10,95 € | 9,82 € |
WWP 008334 | The Serpent Citadel | 7,75 € | 7,31 € |
WWP 008340 | Scarred Lands Gazetteer:Termana | 10,95 € | 9,82 € |
WWP 008360 | Rappan Athuk | 9,95 € | 8,85 € |
WWP 008361 | Rappan Athuk II | 11,95 € | 10,63 € |
WWP 008370 | The Seige of Durgam´s Folly | 9,95 € | 8,85 € |
WWP 008371 | What Evil Lurks | 12,80 € | 11,37 € |
WWP 008374 | Book of Taverns | 21,74 € | 15,99 € |
WWP 008390 | Necropolis | 29,95 € | 20,81 € |
WWP 008821 | Time of Tumulte | 21,95 € | 16,91 € |
WWP 008822 | Exalted : Savage Seas | 17,95 € | 12,47 € |
WWP 008823 | Games of Divinity | 17,95 € | 12,47 € |
WWP 008832 | Caste Book : Twilight | 14,95 € | 11,84 € |
WWP 008834 | Exalted: Caste Book: Eclipse | 16,95 € | 15,02 € |
WWP 009006 | Trinity: Aurora Australies | 13,65 € | 13,65 € |
WWP 009102 | Passage throu shadow | 9,45 € | 9,45 € |
WWP 009103 | Darkness revealed : Ascend | 8,93 € | 8,93 € |
WWP 009502 | Street Fighte Screen | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WWP 015011 | Van Richten's Guide to Walking Dead | 22,95 € | 18,33 € |
WWP 015020 | Ravenloft Gazatteer Vol I | 24,95 € | 22,30 € |
WWP 015022 | Ravenloft Gazeteer III | 24,95 € | 20,08 € |
WWP 016006 | The Psionic Toolkit | 11,95 € | 8,63 € |
WWP 016101 | Book of Eldrich Might 2 | 10,95 € | 8,21 € |
WWP 016110 | demon God´s Fane | 9,95 € | 8,85 € |
WWP 016500 | EverQuest | 29,95 € | 26,68 € |
WWP 020020 | Dark Ages: Europe | 21,95 € | 15,92 € |
WWP 020031 | Road of Kings | 15,95 € | 11,57 € |
KEN 000505 | D&D: Into the Shadow of the Dragon #5 | 3,50 € | 2,73 € |
KEN 000506 | D&D Into the Shadow of The Dragon #6 | 3,50 € | 2,73 € |
KEN 000507 | D&D Into The Shadow of Dragon #7 | 3,50 € | 2,73 € |
KEN 000509 | D&D Comic: Tempest´s Gate #1 | 3,50 € | 2,75 € |
KEN 000511 | D&D: Tempest´s Gate #3 | 3,50 € | 2,75 € |
KEN 000512 | D&D: Tempest´s Gate #4 | 3,50 € | 2,75 € |
KEN 000516 | D&D: Black & White 4 | 3,50 € | 2,93 € |
KEN 000517 | D&D: Black & White #5 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000518 | D&D: Black & White #6 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000576 | KoDTIllustrated #16 | 3,50 € | 2,91 € |
KEN 000577 | KODT Illustrated #17 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000578 | KODT Illustrated #18 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000579 | KODT Illustrated #19 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000580 | KODT: Illustrated #20 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000672 | Hackmaster #12 | 3,50 € | 2,75 € |
KEN 000673 | KOTD: Hackmasters of Everknights #13 | 3,50 € | 2,75 € |
KEN 000678 | KoDT EverKnights #3 | 3,50 € | 2,91 € |
KEN 000679 | Knights of the Dinner Table: Everknghts # 4 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000680 | Knights of the Dinner Table: Everknights #5 | 3,50 € | 2,92 € |
KEN 000710 | KODT Bundle of Trouble Vol. 10 | 14,00 € | 11,60 € |
FAS 005337 | Far Country | 9,00 € | 5,25 € |
FAS 005364 | DRT | 9,00 € | 5,25 € |
FAS 005633 | Binding Force | 9,00 € | 7,00 € |
FAS 005722 | Warrior : Coupe | 9,00 € | 7,00 € |
FAS 005745 | Threads of ambition | 9,00 € | 7,00 € |
TSR 002616 | Blood Hostages | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 002617 | Abyssal Warriors | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 003115 | The Spider Test | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 008370 | Knights of the Rose | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 008383 | The wayward Knights | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 008392 | Legacy of Steel | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 008418 | Wyvern's Spur | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 008573 | Mortal consequences | 6,00 € | 4,50 € |
TSR 008586 | Faces of Deception | 6,95 € | 5,60 € |
TSR 008656 | Murder in Tarsis | 16,80 € | 15,00 € |
TSR 021367 | Zero Point | 6,95 € | 5,60 € |
TSR 021368 | Dezra's Quest | 6,95 € | 5,60 € |
TSR 021527 | Torment | 6,95 € | 5,60 € |
TSR 021564 | Dragons of Fallen Sun | 31,92 € | 28,50 € |
TSR 021567 | The Best Tales Vol.:1 | 6,95 € | 5,91 € |
TSR 021676 | Rebels & Tyrants | 6,95 € | 5,60 € |
TSR 021677 | Shadow Witness | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
TSR 021679 | If Whispers call | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
TSR 021681 | THe Thieves Guild | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
TSR 021818 | The Floodgate | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WTC 021439 | D&D: The Movie | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WTC 021883 | L5R: Dragon | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WTC 021902 | Chosen of gods | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WTC 021949 | Conundrum | 7,50 € | 7,01 € |
WTC 885480 | Wizardwar | 7,50 € | 6,88 € |
WWP 011032 | To Speak in .. GRail 2 | 6,95 € | 6,56 € |
WWP 011103 | Clannovel: Setite | 6,95 € | 4,70 € |
WWP 011110 | Clannovel : Brujah | 6,95 € | 5,08 € |
WWP 011120 | Vampire Slave Ring Bruja #1 | 6,95 € | 5,20 € |
WWP 011155 | Glasswalkers & Silver Fangs | 6,95 € | 5,84 € |
WWP 011206 | Dark Ages Assamite | 6,95 € | 6,52 € |
WWP 011207 | VAmpire Dark Ages Novel : Cappadocian | 6,95 € | 6,51 € |
WWP 011208 | Dark Ages: Lasombra Clan Novel #5 | 6,95 € | 5,63 € |
WWP 011210 | Dark Ages Vampire Clan Novel #6: Ravinos | 6,95 € | 5,35 € |
WWP 011663 | Scarred Lands:Dead God Triology Book 3 - Forbidden | 6,95 € | 5,84 € |
WWP 011705 | Predator & Prey : Executioner | 6,95 € | 5,27 € |
GW BB-04 | Blood Bowl Magazine 4 | 8,00 € | 7,86 € |
GW BG-12 | Battlefleet Gothic Magazine 12 | 8,00 € | 7,86 € |
GW TC-22 | Town Cryer 22 | 8,00 € | 7,86 € |
GW WD-175 | White Dwarf #175 | 8,00 € | 6,66 € |
GW WD279 | White Dwarf #279 | 8,00 € | 6,00 € |
SCY 000057 | Scrye Magazine #57 | 7,30 € | 5,89 € |
TSR 002700 | Amazing | 13,44 € | 12,00 € |
TSR 002707 | THe once & a future King | 10,08 € | 9,00 € |
TSR 00D289 | Dragon # 289 | 6,00 € | 5,04 € |
TSR 00D291 | Dragon #291 | 6,00 € | 4,98 € |
TSR 00D297 | Dragon #297 | 6,00 € | 4,98 € |
TSR 00D298 | Dragon #298 | 6,00 € | 5,28 € |
TSR 00DU92 | Dungeon # 92 | 6,99 € | 5,34 € |
TSR 00DU93 | Dungeon #93 | 6,99 € | 5,34 € |
TSR 00DU94 | Dungeon #94 | 6,99 € | 5,29 € |
TSR 00DU95 | Dungeon #95 | 6,99 € | 6,25 € |
TSR 0DR287 | Dragon #287 | 6,00 € | 4,98 € |
TSR 0DR299 | Dragon #299 | 6,00 € | 4,98 € |
TSR 0DR300 | Dragon #300 | 6,00 € | 4,98 € |
TSR 0DR302 | Dragon #302 | 7,95 € | 7,48 € |
TSR 0DU090 | Dungeon 90 | 6,99 € | 5,34 € |
TSR 0DU096 | Dungeon 96 | 6,99 € | 6,25 € |
WTC 820520 | Dragon Anual #6 | 6,99 € | 5,34 € |