Venda (zona do Porto): Wonder Book / Alien Artifacts / Garphill games promos

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- Wonder Book (Selado): 50€
Wonder Book box cover

- Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot (Selado): 25€
Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot, Portal Games, 2015 (image provided by the publisher)

- Alien Artifacts + AA: Discovery (Selado): 30€

Alien Artifacts, Portal Games, 2017 — front cover (image provided by the publisher)Alien Artifacts: Discovery, Portal Games, 2018 — front cover

Promos de jogos da Garphil Games (sem portes):
Architects of the West Kingdom:
King Dan ( 3.5€
Racketeer ( 3.5€
Suzerain ( 2.5€
Dice Tower 2020 Promo Pack ( 5€
Paladins of the West Kingdom:
King Dan ( 3.5€
Suzerain ( 2.5€
Viscounts of the West Kingdom:
King Dan ( 3.5€
Suzerain ( 2.5€
Courier ( 2.5€
Architects + Paladins:
West Kingdom Mini Card Set ( 3€
Todas as promos dos jogos da trilogia West Kingdom listadas: 28€ com portes normais incluídos
Raiders of the North Sea:
Rod and Pep ( 4.5€
Ceedee ( 4.5€
The Meeple Men ( 4.5€

Concordia Venus (Versão standalone)
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